Pix will be taxed after authorization from the Central Bank; rules don't apply to everyone

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collection of rate on pix will come true for some people starting this year. The change, proposed by the Central Bank, happened at the same time that the financial institution made changes to the Pix rules, such as imposing limits on transfers made at night.

Fee charge on Pix goes for everyone?

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After the launch of Pix, on November 16, 2020, the tool already adds up to more than 26 billion reais in transactions, with more than 140 million users and 370 million registered accounts.

Due to these numbers, today the resource is seen as the main means of payment and financial transactions, with attention to transfers between different banks.

To make Pix even more complete and provide security for users, due to supposed fraud and the commission of crimes after the launch of the program, the Central Bank changed certain rules of the tool.

In this way, users can now set daily limits for transfers via Pix during the day and night, Pix withdrawal and Pix change. However, rumors about the fee began to circulate on social media.

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This is because use is free for most users, especially individuals, micro-entrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs. And it is precisely this characteristic that is most coveted by those who use the tool.

Thus, due to the fear of a possible fee charge on the Pix, it is necessary to know who, in fact, can be affected by a change in the way payments and bank transfers are collected.

Today, for the Central Bank, those who can be taxed are mainly legal entities. However, it is necessary to exceed the value established for free transactions and it is necessary to establish a commercial relationship.


  • Transfers made by legal entities with QR Code;
  • Transfers using a dynamic QR Code;
  • Cash on account for exclusive commercial use;
  • Number greater than 30 transfers per month.

Pix is ​​currently free only for internet transactions. Phones and face-to-face assistance are not free for its users.


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