The FGTS review can guarantee up to R$ 10,000 more in balance!

Workers who performed paid activities in the same company for a long period of time and have a balance significant in the FGTS, in turn, can request a review of the value and gain a considerable appreciation that can reach up to R$ 10 thousand more.

However, it is necessary to make it clear that the review request is only advantageous for those who have a high balance and who work for a long time in the same company. Keep reading and find out how to request FGTS review.

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FGTS review: what does the STF say?

The revision of the FGTS depends on what the Federal Supreme Court (STF) understands about it. The highest instance evaluates the so-called Referential Rate. What is happening is that, from 1999 to 2021, the readjustments in the FGTS were made based on the Referential Rate (TR), which did not follow inflation. Therefore, workers may have suffered a loss of around BRL 300 billion over these years.

The STF understands that this TR is unconstitutional because it causes the worker to lose purchasing power. With this, the understanding of the specialists, which is being evaluated by the STF, is that the guarantee fund starts to monitor the indices based on inflation, such as the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) or the National Consumer Price Index (INPC).

How to request FGTS review

While the STF is still deciding on an opinion on the subject, one of the options available is to file a request for review. Depending on the balance that the worker has, the value of the review can reach R$ 10,000.

In this sense, in order to file the FGTS review request, the worker needs to access the FGTS website. However, it is most recommended that the employee seek a licensed attorney who is specialized in the tax area to assist in the application process.

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