Collectors of recyclable material can receive help from the government; understand which

Last Monday, the 17th, Fernando Haddad, Minister of Finance, announced that the Federal governmentis analyzing the possibility of implementing measures to support recyclable material collectors.

During a meeting at the Planalto Palace, it was established that the Treasury will develop different scenarios to help this category. The minister informed that a working group is preparing a proposal that will be presented to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).

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Federal Government indicated new plans for recyclable material collectors

The Minister of Finance commented in an interview with journalists that, during the meeting, issues were discussed related to collectors' cooperatives, a demand that has raised concern in the Secretariat of Economy Solidarity.

According to Haddad, more than 300 thousand Braziliansare employed in this sector, as registered in the CadÚnico, receiving social benefits directly.

However, during the interview with journalists in Brasília, the minister pointed out that the estimate is that the actual number of Brazilians involved in the collection of recyclable material may approach 1 million.

(Image: Canva Pro/Playback)

He pointed out that these people are facing an even more precarious situation due to the drop in the price of recyclable materials. To deal with this issue, a working group was established with the aim of presenting a proposal to the President.

The Treasury was asked to draw up different scenarios to help this vulnerable population and is waiting for the next steps to implement some measure to help the category.

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