New towel dry?

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Have you ever, when leaving the bath and getting that brand new towel, have you ever asked yourself: why doesn't a new towel dry? Interestingly, the older they are, the better they are at absorbing water.
Towels undergo a chemical process during manufacture, added products such as industrial softener, for example, give them a softness and texture, characteristic aspects of new towels. As these products are strong, they stick tightly to the fabric, and you already know the result: slippery, low-absorbent towels.
With the repeated washing over time of use, the products end up coming off the towels, making them excellent for drying.
But why doesn't the fabric softener we use at home make the towels waterproof? Common products are less concentrated and do not impair tissue absorption.
Now you know, for the towels to be fluffy you need a whole industrial preparation. But if you want to dry yourself well using a first hand towel, we have the solution! Buy products made with a natural soft material, such as bamboo fiber, for example, which does not need prior chemical treatment to make it soft.

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By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

Source: Brazil School -

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