For psychologists, living with a narcissist, if you cannot identify who he is, is a challenge for anyone, given his way of thinking and acting with those around him. Therefore, be able to identify the traits of a narcissist, in order to, in addition to helping to live together, help him find professional treatment.
3 traits of a narcissist
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Check out the traits a narcissist will never admit they have. With these tips from psychologists, it is possible to identify some behaviors:
Doesn't listen to others
One of the main traits is not being able to hear other people. Narcissists live only in their own little world, they manage to isolate themselves in a way that the lines of others do not penetrate their minds. “They don't listen to others because nothing matters to them. The greed for admiration leads them to believe that everything in their life is exceptional, there are no normal events, their existence is wonderful, full of triumphs and notoriety”, describes psychologist Fernández.
However, in their personal and social relationships, they feel envy for the conquests of others, even of their closest friends, they cannot feel happiness in the face of their conquests. They usually want to see themselves as superior to those around them, even if that means using them as stepping stones.
compulsive liar
He tends to lie about everything to make himself feel superior. Usually, his stories are exaggerated or even invented, to feel that the people who listen to him have some kind of admiration or fixed attention on him. He likes to be the center of attention even if he has to lie to do so. “He tends to lie. A classic is that they tell you about distant things that you will never be able to prove, but the more they deceive themselves, the more they believe in it” informs the psychologist.
Fantasy in unlimited success
The narcissist creates a reality in his head where he will only have successes in his life. He likes to fantasize about his future success all the time so that he doesn't seem to live the same reality as everyone else. “With his limitless fantasy, he exaggerates and monetizes what is good, which he largely takes from others”, describes Fernández.