Optical Illusion: Only 2% of the population can solve this puzzle

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A optical illusion it's a way to challenge the brain to assess its ability to perceive things. Each person can look at an image or object and form a different interpretation from that point of view. This time we bring you a fascinating illustration to challenge you to find the cactus in the toy store in 7 seconds. Are you part of the 2% of the population that can solve this challenge? Find out below!

Read more:Optical Illusion: Find the cat in the room within 15 seconds to win

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Test your IQ in a fun way!

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solving the challenge

In the illusion below you will see a toy store where children are looking at teddy bears, cars, ships, planes, and robots. But somewhere inside the store is a hidden cactus, which only 2% of people are able to find in just 7 seconds. Find out now if you are one of them. Set the timer to run and observe the image below:

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Optical illusion

Can you find the cactus in 7 seconds? Congratulations! That means you're in the top 2% of people with a high IQ.

challenge answer

For those who couldn't complete the challenge, let's help them out. If you look carefully at the image, you will see the cactus hidden on the second shelf on the right, where the green android robots are arranged.

To make it easier, we've highlighted the cactus in the toy store in the image below:

Optical illusion

Learn more about illusions

Optical illusions give us a fascinating insight into how our brain works, don't they? Specific light conditions, colors and patterns can make us see something that was visually unnoticed.

Many studies prove that the more we exercise our mind with optical illusions, the smarter we can be. Therefore, if you want to increase your IQ, you will be pleased to know that on our website you will find more challenges like this one to practice. Enjoy!

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