Spotify can promote its playlist; know how

Spotify is one of the most popular music platforms on the internet. Through it, you can update yourself, discover new sounds and expand your repertoire. For this, you can count on the help of playlists, which are very important playlists for promoting artists. In this case, both Spotify and users can assemble playlists that can be shared and disseminated.

Now, streaming takes this experience even further with the new features available, as in addition to being able to share your music selection, you can receive the Spotify playlist promotion. Know how!

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featured curation

To start expanding the music experience on the platform, Spotify promoted the “Curadoria em Destaque” project. In it, several personalities were invited to put together exclusive playlists to promote in the music app. However, the expectation is that, soon, all users will have the chance to create a curated list that would also undergo disclosure.

In this way, the platform will suggest your selection of songs directly to people with similar tastes to yours. That is, it will be possible to make your favorite songs go around the world and help your favorite artist in the promotion. Not to mention that, in this way, you can also promote authorial works and meet new people.

collaborative playlist

In addition to this change, Spotify has also expanded the function of collaborative playlists with regard to adding new songs and controlling who can add them. With this, you can select friends who will help build the music selection for a private party without interference from other profiles.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the new tool that combines favorite songs from up to 10 profiles. In this case, the mechanism will work similarly to the creation of playlists that combine the musical tastes of two linked accounts, but now, with much more people involved.

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