Learn how to cultivate and care for the glass of milk flower

A flower glass of milk it is known to represent harmony, peace, purity and tranquility, and that is why many people cultivate it in the hope of bringing harmony to their home. This is also one of the reasons why it is so chosen to decorate parties, dinners, weddings and also bridal bouquets.

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In addition, it is also a flower of delicate beauty that certainly attracts attention for its aesthetic aspects. And, as if that weren't enough, it also blooms all year round and adapts very easily to all seasons. Therefore, it ends up becoming one of the most sought after flowers throughout the year. So, do you want to know how to plant a glass of milk flower? Then keep reading!

How do I plant a glass of milk?

This flower, contrary to what many people think, does not have many difficulties in terms of planting and cultivation. It is even easy to find milk lily seeds, which are usually available in different colors, such as yellow, pink and purple.

So, after buying the seed, plant it in the middle of a case that has at least a capacity of 15 liters, preventing the roots from getting cramped. And remember that the more the soil is loose, not compacted, the more chances there are for your plant to grow, so leave the sand very fluffy. Soon after, it's time to take the plant to a suitable place: a place that has indirect contact with these plants. Therefore, choose shadows to place your pot as soon as you plant the seed, and in this way it will be protected from the heat.

Beware of crops

When planting, choose to plant during spring, as the cold weather, depending on your region, may also have negative effects on the flower. Since, if the excess of heat makes it bad, the lack of it also greatly harms the growth of the flower. So be always watering so your plant doesn't feel too hot and end up dying early.

That way, always be checking if your plant has dry soil. Avoid it! Always leave it damp but not soggy. Therefore, avoid wetting it until puddles form on the soil of the plant. With these tips, you'll have glasses of milk at any time of the year, to decorate your home and give as gifts to friends!

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