Diet camp ends in tragedy: 21-year-old influencer passes away

On the 13th of June, last Tuesday, JIMU News, a Chinese media outlet, reported the passing of Cui Hua, a 21-year-old influencer, just days after joining a diet camp.

Cui Hua, who reportedly weighed 156 kg, had joined the camp with the aim of losing 100 kg during the period.

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In the fight against the scale, the influencer shared with her followers that the camp was exhausting, from the exercises to the completely restricted diet. In many videos and photos, it was clear that she was unable to complete the activities perfectly.

Chinese influencer dies after facing strict fitness project

According to reports from close people, the influencer died after communicating with friends that she was not feeling well, in addition to feeling uncomfortable on the second day of the camp. To friends, the influencer said that she was feeling nauseous.

The news was released, but it is still not known for sure what caused the death of the young influencer.

China's news portal contacted the influencer's father, who said his daughter's participation in the slimming project from May 25th. According to her father, she went to the camp to be filmed and, as an influencer, the organizers were offering a certain amount to participate in the project.

JIMU News, in search of answers, made contact with the organization of the diet camp which, in defensive, said that what happened was “a thing of the past” and that he would not accept any more questions about the event.

Physical activities are indispensable for the ideal functioning of the human body, but we need to stress that each person has their own pace, from the thinnest people to people in frames of obesity. To neglect personal factors is to accept taking risks and, as in this case, it can lead to death.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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