Vestibular UEMA 60+ 2023: Registration for seniors open

Colleges and Universities

Enroll now in the UEMA 60+ entrance exam.

Per Daniele Beldon de Araujo
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The program UEMA 60+ is offering 66 places in 11 undergraduate courses with exclusive degrees for people over 60 years old.

This is an incredible opportunity for you who have always wanted to enter higher education and transform your life through knowledge.

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The UEMA 60+ Program is an affirmative policy that aims to promote the inclusion of the elderly in education and was approved by the University and Teaching, Research and Extension Councils of the institution in 2021.

Enrollment and Vestibular

Those interested in participating in the selection must access the educational institution website, and make your registration until the 19/05. A registration fee of R$ 50 will be charged, which can be paid until the 22nd of this month.

On June 18, from 1 pm to 6 pm, you will have the chance to show your full potential through the 44 objective questions and a writing test. The official feedback will be released on 06/27.

Exemption from registration

Check one of the conditions below and guarantee your registration at no additional cost:

  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico)
  • Being a member of a low-income family or being a UEMA employee or dependent.
Graduationthird Ageuema
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