Learn to recognize the characteristics of a conventional narcissist to keep them away

To the characteristics of a narcissistic person are so blatant that they can be perceived from afar. Know someone who always draws the spotlight to themselves? That person who tries to put himself in a very favored position just to be in the spotlight? Yeah... these are the typical ones narcissists conventional.

Read more: How to identify narcissistic parents in raising their children? See the signs!

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It is not often that the conventional narcissist stands out among other people, as their actions may not be so easy to identify, given that he always seems full of good news. intentions. Stay tuned!

Spotting a Conventional Narcissist


He always draws attention to himself and presents various egocentric nuances.

Looking for people to chat

Upon arriving at a place, he immediately looks for other people so that they can talk about their accomplishments.

Don't ask questions in a conversation

This demonstrates that he doesn't care what the other person says. The person doesn't want to know more about it unless the tone of the conversation changes and attention turns to them.

He's always the only person talking

A narcissist speaks without waiting for the next person's turn, because all that matters is what he thinks.

Interrupts while others are talking

You feel that you can always add something and that your opinion can be more valuable than others, so you often interrupt others' speech.

A narcissist's stories are always "better"

At least that's how he sees things. He thinks he always has the best stories to tell and that nothing others have to say can be more interesting than his “adventures”.

Listen to be able to understand the other

They don't understand that the other person also deserves to be heard and that everyone needs to be understood.

Answers are accompanied by sounds

Rather than displaying active listening, the narcissist follows the conversation by making noises and nodding. Usually this happens when he is anxious for the person to finish talking.

Give advice too often

He may even have some good intentions, but not always the other person is asking for help.

try to outdo others

Not everything is one competition! A narcissist cannot see it that way, because everything is a reason to try to overcome others, because the highlight needs to be his.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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