What is the dominant side of your brain anyway? If you are curious, just take the test and discover the reality behind the facts.
Look at the following image and say what was your first impression, that is, what you saw first in the illustration of this test personality.
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Did you see joggers in the personality test picture?
If the first thing you noticed on the personality test were some runners, then your left side is dominant. This is what shows the original content of the expert who develops this digital challenge.
This means that your personality is guided, generally, by the logical form of reason day to day. It is natural for you to face life in a direct and very rational way, presenting practical and realistic solutions to everyday challenges.
What you saw were the steps of a ladder?
Now, if what you first saw in this personality test was a staircase, that is, several steps, the result is different. In this situation, it is the right side of your brain that prevails in making decisions in your life.
In this way, creativity and sensitivity are important things for you and guide your day to day. In your case, solutions to challenges always happen in an innovative and creative way. It is certainly necessary that attitudes make sense, emotionally speaking, in your mind.
Were you divided?
Finally, perhaps most people are torn between one image and another and are not clear which one they saw first. This happens because no one uses only one side or the other of the brain.
As mentioned earlier, this personality test is designed to show whether you are a rational or emotional person most of the time. However, it is possible that your mind is well balanced.
This indicates that you know how to act and think logically, without leaving creative thinking aside in this story. Also, balance is always interesting to be sought in anyone's life.