Inheritance: know how it works in practice and who is entitled to it

Inheritance is something that many have heard about and know “off the top of their head” what it means. What most people don't know is that there are several rules behind each one. É important point out that this is not an easy issue to resolve and that it takes a certain amount of time for everything to be in its proper place.

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Some protocols need to be followed in the middle of the process. Do you know, for example, how bones are shared and which specific people are entitled to it? Then it's time to learn.

What is the inheritance?

Inheritance is a set of goods, movable or immovable, rights and obligations, that a deceased person – for some reason – leaves to his successors or relatives. It's all that is left by that person that will be shared among their family members. Until this is done, no heir has possession of whatever is left behind.

For this sharing to take place, a survey is made of all the goods that the person owned and the possible debts that he could have left. The division is performed to decide how much each heir will have. It can be done in two ways. Amicably, where the entities resolve this at the notary and there is an agreement between all of them, if not. In court, when a judicial authority decides what each member of the family is entitled to.

Who is entitled to the inheritance?

For the assets to be divided, the succession line of the heirs is taken into account:

  • Spouse, children and grandchildren;
  • Parents and grandparents;
  • Other relatives, i.e. brothers, uncles, nephews and even first cousins.

How does the division happen?

All heirs receive equal shares of the estate. If someone wants to leave a larger part of their inheritance to someone else or place someone who is not in the line of succession there, they must make a testament.

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