In 2022, the minimum wage was passed on for the amount of R$ 1,212.00. According to the rules foreseen for 2023, the new national floor began to be valid last Sunday, on January 1st, updated to the value of R$ 1,320.00.
Approval for the change took place in December, when the National Congress approved compensation through inflation. The readjustment higher than inflation will be 2.7% compared to last year, establishing the billionaire expenditure for the federal government, reaching R$ 6.8 billion.
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The higher value also concerns the pensions that are administered by the INSS (National Social Security Institute) and the benefits social security benefits such as unemployment insurance, Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC) and Pis/Pasep, in addition to other benefits that also follow the minimum national. All of them, with the increase in minimum wage, will undergo corrections.
This proposal was approved by federal deputies and senators through the General Budget of the Union. Previously, the proposal was estimated at R$ 1,302.00, but the National Congress predicted that the increase would only be to replace the inflations of previous periods.
Therefore, it would not present a real gain for Brazilians whose wages are linked to the national base. The plan for 2023 followed for the highest value.
Data used by the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese) stipulated in 2022 that the minimum wage does not meet basic needs.
For a family with four members, the minimum amount to be maintained should be R$ 6,575.30, as pointed out by the survey. The value of the salary is often not enough for adequate housing, food, hygiene, clothing, social security, education and leisure.
Minimum Wage Appreciation Policy
It was put on the agenda by trade union centrals that the federal government could return with measures to increase the minimum wage. The Minimum Wage Appreciation Policy was applied in 2007 and ceased to be valid in 2019.
If this policy were being applied, the updated value of the minimum wage would be R$ 1,342.00, following the inflation of the INPC (National Consumer Price Index) and GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In 2022, the INPC reached 5.8% and, in 2020, GDP grew by 4.6%.
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