99 launches feature that allows negotiation between drivers and passengers

The now famous races via app are essential for those who need to go to a destination and don't have anyone close by willing to take them.

In an increasingly competitive market, it is essential that companies work to please their customers and employees.

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99pop, also known as just '99', has launched a feature that allows users to negotiate fares directly with drivers. Understand better!

How ’99negocia’ works

Seeking to promote its application and gain more and more customers, 99 launched 99negocia. Currently, the company is second only to its main competitor, Uber.

Those who use services of this type must have already noticed the recurrence of cancellations of rides or the delay for their request to be accepted. The situation can be a nuisance for those who want to reach their destination as quickly as possible.

In order for everyone to come to an agreement, the drivers and passengers will be able to negotiate the value of the race before they are officially realized.

With the new resources, professionals will be able to establish a fairer price for the service, considering the distance to be traveled, the client's demands and the traffic in the region.

In addition, the agreement between the driver and the passenger can be made based on an amount already predefined by the platform. The price can be accepted by passengers, who can request an increase or decrease in the amount directly in the application. The maximum decrease is up to 10% of the value.

In turn, the driver can offer a counter-offer up to 50% higher. In the event that there is no consensus, the user may request another race.

99pop's new feature is now available in approximately 196 counties. However, it still has no forecast to arrive in cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

According to the report by Estadão, among some cities that already have the resource, are Campinas and Presidente Prudente (SP), Boa Vista (RR), Ponta Grossa and Cascavel (PR), Governador Valadares and Uberaba (MG), Rondonópolis (MT), Campo Grande and Dourados (MS).

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