Natural aspects of Santa Catarina

Get to know the fundamental characteristics of the natural elements contained in the landscape of the State of Santa Catarina.


The surface of the state territory consists of one of the most undulating (rugged) in the country, however, in the vicinity of the coast configures the plains, called the Coastal Plain, the mountains are located between the Plateau and the Flat land.

The highest point in Santa Catarina is 1,822 meters high, called Morro da Igreja in Serra da Anta Gorda.

What predominates in the relief of the State are flat and high lands, originating the Western Plateau.

Types of relief: mountain ranges, hills, plateaus and peaks.

Coastal Plain: coastal mountain ranges.

Coastal Mountains: Serra Geral, Pico do Iqueririm (1,616 meters), Morro do Cambirela (950 m), Morro do Spitzkopf (950 m), Serra do Tabuleiro, Serra do Tijucas, Serra do Itajaí and Serra do Jaraguá.

Western Plateau: Morro da Igreja (1,822 m), Serra da Moema, Serra do Mirador, Serra dos Faxinais, Plateau de Lajes, Plateau de São Joaquim and Serra do Espigão.


The predominant climate in Santa Catarina is subtropical, thus, it presents mild temperatures, these can vary between 13° and 25°C, rainfall rates are relatively high and well distributed throughout the year.

Unlike other Brazilian states where basically two seasons of the year are perceived, in Santa Catarina it is possible to distinguish the four seasons, consisting of hot summers and harsh winters, the highest points reach up to 1,810 meters, where precipitation occurs. snows.


- Atlantic Tropical Forest: this type of vegetation is found on the coastal plains, in addition to slopes and mountains, it consists of large trees.

- Coastal Vegetation: composed of mangroves.

- Subtropical Forest: formed from undergrowth.

- Araucaria Forest: consisting of pine trees in greater numbers, however, there are still cinnamons, cedars, mate and fern fiber.

- Fields: basically formed by grasses.


In the territory of Santa Catarina there are two main basins: the Atlântico Sul Basin and the Uruguay Basin.

The rivers that are part of the Southeast Basin discharge their waters directly into the sea, thus the rivers that are part are: Araranguá, Cubatão, Itajaí-Açú and Itapocu.

The Uruguay River Basin, on the other hand, is made up of several rivers, such as the Canoas, Pelotas, das Antas, Chapecó, Irani, Lava-Tudo, Peixe and Peperi-Guaçu.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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