O hangman game this time it requires all your assertive ability to save the fish species and if you have knowledge in them, everything can be even easier. To succeed in this mission, you'll need to get informed about the subject and invite someone to be your opponent. All ready? Roll up your sleeves and let's go!
Read more:Hangman Game: guess the 'tourist dream destination' with 9 letters
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Will you save them?
Fish are vertebrate animals that live exclusively in an aquatic environment. They are found in both fresh and salt water, and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. And they have great economic importance, since they are consumed in human food, cultivated in aquariums and used in fishing practices.
Now that you've informed yourself about it, you can proceed to the next step. Use your knowledge for good and help save the fish. The game is going to start!
Game rules
One at a time, each player must hit the missing letters. Remember if! For each mistake you must draw a part of the puppet.
Save the fish who gets the words right first without having completed the drawing.
1st game of hangman: Fish name with 5 letters

Tip: It is common to see it as a decorative element in ponds and ponds in public and private spaces with an oriental theme.

We have reached the end of challenge 1 and you may have guessed right or even not have a guess about the fish we are talking about.
Below you can check the answer, so if you want to try for a while, don't continue reading right away. After some time thinking, check it out!
Well, if you thought of Carp, you got it right! Carp is a fish of Chinese origin that has a small mouth surrounded by short wattles. The species best known for their beautiful colors are used for ornamentation, while the less attractive Carp are intended for consumption.
2nd game of hangman: Fish name with 6 letters

Hint: She has a frightening appearance, with a long, cylindrical body that resembles a snake and a flat face.

Did you manage to solve this challenge?
Just like the carp challenge, the answer is also present below, as well as the templates.
To know the answer, read the next line!
If you think it's Moray, you're right! Also known as sea snake, this fish belongs to the eel family, has no scales and can reach 4 meters.
game templates
Congratulations! You completed the mission and managed to save the fish! Below we provide the two hangman games with the complete words for you to compare with your answers.