What is the used capacity of our brain in percentage terms?

The brain capacity of a human being is a frequently discussed topic, as this organ is primarily responsible for our cognitive ability and logical reasoning.

Along with this interest, several popular theories or beliefs emerged about the maximum potential of the human brain. So what does the science say about it? And what percentage of the brain do we actually use? Check it out below.

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Understanding more about human brain capacity

The largest organ in the human body

Although it is one of humanity's main objects of study, the complete understanding of the human brain is still a mystery to science. This organ is the main component of the central nervous system, composed of transmission cells called neurons and support cells called glials.

He is responsible for our logical ability, response to stimuli, reasoning and, basically, everything that distinguishes human beings from other organisms. Therefore, considering the importance of this organ, it is common for doubts and speculations to arise about its functioning.

10, 20, 35… 100%

Among the doubts, the most common is about the percentage of brain that we human beings use. Commonly, the answer is: 10%.

However, this information is incorrect, although it is fed by the popular imagination through films like “Lucy”, in the which we see the protagonist consume a substance that unlocks 90% of her inactive brain, granting her a series of powers.

How much do we really use?

In fact, human beings have the ability to use 100% of their brain, although not all regions are active simultaneously.

Thus, the percentage used by the brain depends on the activity performed at the time, since more complex tasks require the collaboration of different regions to be carried out. That is, the brain is not a uniform organ, being, in fact, composed of varied cells with different functions.

The identification of these regions and the correlation with different activities are only possible thanks to the development of modern equipment such as tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

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