Understand the difference between Meditation x Mindfulness; know more

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A meditation It is an ancient practice that has been used to achieve a state of calm and mental tranquility. It involves a series of techniques that allow the individual to focus their attention on a single object, as an exerciser or a mantra, to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. anxiety. However, have you heard and know the difference between mindfulness and meditation? Check out!


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Mindfulness is a meditation technique that involves the practice of mindfulness or mindfulness. The technique aims to help people develop a deeper awareness of their emotions, thoughts and physical sensations, and live in the present moment instead of worrying about the past or future. For Luiza Bittencourt, the practice of this procedure is much simpler than people imagine.

“The practice is usually as simple as possible: just pay attention to what is in the present, without having to change anything. The breath is your body's natural breath right now," she said. The expert points out that mindfulness is not just a side of meditation, in her words “it is a lifestyle” and can use support elements, such as meditation exercises.

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breathing and visualization.

To practice mindfulness, it's important to find a quiet, comfortable place and choose an object of attention, such as an athlete or a sound. In this way, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and start paying attention to the chosen object, concentrating on it and keeping your mind focused. Check out some tips from the experts.

  • Add 5 minutes of meditation to your routine;
  • Change simple habits (different place at the dinner table, change paths and among others);
  • Always bring attention back to the present moment.

Mindfulness practice can be done daily and can be built into any routine. Over time, regular practice can lead to a greater sense of calm and presence in the present moment, improving the quality of life.

It is worth remembering that this is not a religious practice. This method is recommended for people who are very anxious and agitated, in order to shape their brain in a more beneficial way.

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