8 Telltale Clues You're an INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type

You INFJs they are individuals with a rich inner life and strong intuition. They can feel misunderstood by those around them due to their complex nature and emotional depth.

As introverts, they tend to prefer moments of solitude and value the quality of personal connections over quantity.

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People who have this personality type are known to be compassionate, empathetic, and attentive to the feelings of others. They have a natural ability to understand the motivations and needs of those around them.

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8 traits that indicate the INFJ personality

1. introversion

INFJs are known to prefer solitude or the company of a small group of close friends over large crowds. They find energy and recharge their batteries by spending time alone, reflecting on their thoughts and emotions.

2. high sense of morality

Those with this personality type usually have a strong sense of morality and are deeply concerned about issues of social justice. They have a natural ability to put themselves in the shoes of others and empathize with their struggles and needs.

3. Feeling strongly misunderstood by people

INFJs often have a rich inner life and unique worldview, which can create a sense of isolation and difficulty finding people who truly understand them.

They may feel as if they are “out of tune” with most of the people around them and wish to find deeper, more meaningful connections.

4. Know hear

People often trust INFJs to share concerns, challenges, and deeper thoughts, as they know they will be listened to with understanding and without judgment. INFJs excel at creating a safe and welcoming space for others to express themselves.

5. perfectionist

This quest for perfection can be a driving force for INFJs, as it propels them to do their best and strive to achieve their goals. They are able to notice details and are dedicated to constantly improving their skills and knowledge.

However, it's important to point out that INFJs' perfectionism can also be a source of stress and self-criticism.

6. Empathy on the rise

INFJ empathy goes beyond just acknowledging the emotions of others. They are able to really connect emotionally with the people around them, and they go out of their way to help and support those who are struggling.

7. Are you creative?

A creativityof INFJs is fueled by their ability to delve into their inner emotions and experiences. They are able to capture subtle nuances of the world around them and turn these perceptions into forms of expression.artistic.

8. Sensitive to others' emotions

INFJs are able to read nonverbal signals and pick up on the underlying emotions behind people's words and actions.

They can sense when someone is sad, anxious, happy or distressed, even if the person tries to hide what they are feeling at that moment.

This ability to tune into the emotions of others makes INFJs good listeners, as mentioned earlier, and thoughtful advisors.

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