Learn how to keep bananas FRESH longer

bananas are a delicious and easy to enjoy fruit, and can be included in revenues tasty, in addition to being a great source of nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet.

However, it is frustrating when they start to rot after just a few days, losing their characteristic flavor and texture. Luckily, there's a simple trick that supermarkets don't want you to know about, but that can help keep your fruit fresher for longer.

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How to prevent the banana from rotting quickly?

The secret is simpler than you might imagine: to increase the shelf life of your bananas, just remove the ethylene, the ripening substance that accumulates on the surface of bananas. To do this, just wash them under running water, which will eliminate any unwanted residue in no time.

Then dry the fruits carefully with the aid of a paper towel. By removing this substance, you will be delaying the ripening process of the bananas, extending their time for consumption.

Another important step is to wrap the banana stem with a damp paper towel. By doing this simple exercise, you will be reducing the amount of ethylene that is released into the environment around the bananas, helping to keep them fresh for a longer period of time.

Extra tip for the consumption of bananas in everyday life

Do you want to take advantage of the good properties of bananas? So start consuming it at least two hours before bed.

If you're wondering why, bananas contain high levels of magnesium, a mineral that relaxes the muscles and the body, providing a calming effect.

However, they also contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Thus, excessive consumption of bananas before bed can interfere with sleep, resulting in dreams vivid or nightmares.

So, to get the most out of your bananas, follow the trick to keep them fresh longer and remember to consume them at appropriate times.

Now that you know this secret, don't let your fruit go rotten before you've had a chance to fully enjoy it!

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