Vegetables you should eat every day and those you can avoid

According to common sense, the vegetables they are always beneficial to health and many nutritionists indicate that we should eat at least three different types of vegetables every day. However, not all vegetables are as healthy as we imagine.

There are some vegetables that you can go your whole life without eating, while on the other hand, there are vegetables that you should eat every day. Follow the text and learn more about!

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Vegetables you should eat every day

  • Radishes

If you're looking for something tasty and nutritious, radishes are a good option for an afternoon snack. It is high in fiber and low in calories. You can cut it into pieces and eat it without feeling guilty.

  • cucumbers

Great for salads, cucumbers are a great pairing for dishes like tuna, hummus, watermelon, and whatever else you fancy. In addition, it is considered one of the healthiest vegetables, as it is rich in potassium, vitamin K and prevents against the risk of developing cancer.

  • Carrots

Carrots can be eaten raw or cooked and guarantee a delicious tan. Rich in vitamin A, betacarotene, potassium and vitamin D, they help to clean the intestine.

Vegetables you can avoid

  • canned tomato

Nothing canned is good for your health. The amount of preservatives, salt and other additives are not good for the body. Thus, it is important to avoid this type of food.

  • Eggplant

Often used as a meat substitute, they lack protein and most of their calories come from sugar. Although it has been consumed for millions of years, eggplant contains solanine, a bitter-tasting glycoalkaloid poison that, if consumed in large quantities, can cause intestinal problems.

  • dried pumpkins

The danger of pumpkins is not in their nutritional value, but in their tough skin. It is included in the group of vegetables that have thicker skins and can cause accidents during handling. So, when preparing a dish, be very careful when peeling the pumpkin.

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