MEC extends public consultation of New High School for another month

Responding to the request of several educational institutions, the Ministry of Education (MEC) extended the public consultation period to New High School. Now, the consultation will be done until the 5th of July.

The body released a note stating that the request for extension of the consultation meets the public interest and is in line with the purpose of expanding the scope of the ongoing public consultation.

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The objective is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and contribute to the debate around the new proposal for approaching the last phase of regular basic education.

MEC expands the public debate on the New High School

The so-called New Secondary School was implemented in 2017, during the government of former President Michel Temer, and should be introduced gradually in private and public schools throughout Brazil.

However, the methodology has faced criticism from education professionals, which led the Ministry of Education to open public consultation in order to broaden the debate.

In summary, this model increases the workload of schools and promotes changes in subjects in the curriculum, with negative points being highlighted by specialists.

Through a joint request, four educational entities asked the MEC for a new deadline for the public consultation that will define what changes will be made in the New Secondary School.

The signatory institutions to this extension request were the National Education Council (CNE), the National Forum of Councils State and District Education Boards (Foncede), the National Education Forum (FNE) and the National Council of Education Secretaries (Consed).

With the new postponement of the end of the discussion, it is expected that there are necessary conditions for the application of all listening instruments and the promotion of greater and broader social participation.

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