Generation Z at work: difficulties in dealing with old technologies

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Nowadays, for generation Z, having a cell phone in childhood is common, different from past generations. Now, any child knows how to use their cell phone or computer, watch videos and even access social networks before the recommended age. However, when challenging the job market, Gen Zers struggle with technologies old.

Is Generation Z ready for the job market?

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In the current era, technology is present in virtually every field of our lives. Television, cell phones, computers, tablets, smart refrigerators, smart homes, more and more common items in our homes are undergoing modernization.

Therefore, it is common to think that the current generation has, or should have, more ease with this new reality, since they grew up following its development.

Adaptation to the job market

Despite having accompanied the development of various technologies, many people of Generation Z have difficulty with the old ones. Like, for example, using printers, a machine that has existed for decades and continues to be essential in various sectors of companies.

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Although more modern, some principles remain the same, however, the new generation seems not to know them and has difficulties using the equipment.

This type of difficulty can directly affect individuals who will enter the job market in the future. Knowing and knowing how to use old machines is important even in the generation of technology.

Easier than before

Although the current generation may have a bottleneck in relation to older technologies, it is undeniably easier than the previous generation.

After all, as already mentioned, the generatesdog Z grew up accompanied by technological development, that is, all modernities were and are part of its life.

It is to be imagined that the new generation, when the time comes to enter the job market, will represent strong competition for the previous ones.

This is due to the fact that automation is increasing in the work sectors, requiring greater experience with technologies for workers, which is already the expertise of the new generation.
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