Is 'Barbie' a suitable option for children? Parents need to beware!

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Barbie' is a film that has generated quite a bit of hype and received positive reviews for its trailer. However, it is important to note that it is not intended for children. In fact, this is satire aimed at adults.

The question then arises: is it appropriate to take your children to watch Barbie? Is there any inappropriate language present in the film? Understand below!

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The movie 'Barbie' is for adults

The Barbie movie, directed by Greta Gerwig and produced by Margot Robbie, finally opened in theaters worldwide on July 21, 2023.

However, it is important to point out that this is not the typical conventional content associated with the Barbie doll, such as children's movies.

In this production, we are introduced to an all-pink Barbie Land, where Barbie dolls are pictured having fun. Interestingly, Ken dolls are lifeless.

This unusual approach certainly provides a different and interesting look at the Barbie universe, surprising viewers with a unique and out-of-the-ordinary narrative.

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The Barbie Movie, starring Margot Robbie as the stereotypical Barbie and Ryan Gosling as her boyfriend Ken, features an intriguing plot.

In it, the characters must visit the 'Real World', the human world, to investigate strange happenings in Barbie Land.

It is important to note that this film is not suitable for children as it may contain language that is inappropriate for younger viewers.

Furthermore, the film is a satire that tackles deep and complex themes such as gender conditioning, patriarchy, feminism, identity, toxic masculinity, the meaning of life, and other real-world issues.

These elements make the plot more geared towards an adult audience, who can appreciate the film's intelligent and provocative approach.

Therefore, before taking children to watch the Barbie movie, parents should carefully consider the content and theme addressed in the production.

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