10 exercises on US Independence (with commentary)

The Independence of the United States is a crucial theme for college students. We prepared and selected 10 exercises for you to prepare. Good studies!

How was the division of the Thirteen Colonies traditionally known before independence?

a) Colonies of the West, Southeast and Northwest.

b) Colonies of the south, southeast and north.

c) Northern, Central and Southern Colonies.

d) Colonies of the South, Midwest and Northeast.

e) None of the above.

Answer explained

The classic division of the 13 colonies, which even relates to their way of colonization, is "Center, North and South".

The Independence of the USA (1776) was a movement that happened through a process of dissatisfaction of the settlers with England, the colonizing country. Which of the alternatives below best represents the main reasons that led to the dissatisfaction of the settlers?

a) The main factor of dissatisfaction of the colonists with England was the increase in taxes, practiced after the War of the Seven Years, involving the English and France.

b) The model of colonization implemented by England, based on meritocracy and the purchase of land, was the main factor of dissatisfaction of the colonists with their colonizer.

c) The Tea Party in Boston, which took place in 1773, was the catalyst for the dissatisfaction of the colonists with England.

d) The colonists rejected the English as their colonizers because they did not have a cultural proximity with them.

e) The dissatisfaction of the colonists with England was due to the fact that the English maintained a foreign trade that did not meet the demands of the 13 colonies.

Answer explained

After the Seven Years' War, involving England and France and won by the English, the British decided to increase the tax burden collected from the colonists, to compensate for their losses. This led to their dissatisfaction with their colonizer.

Regarding the Tea Party in Boston, check the INCORRECT alternative:

a) The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was a movement related to the Tea Act, which gave a monopoly on the sale of tea to the West India Company.

b) In this event, English guards, wearing clothes alluding to indigenous peoples, threw boxes of tea into the sea, as a form of protest.

c) The Tea Party in Boston generated enormous discontent in England with the colonists.

d) As a way of reacting to the Tea Party in Boston, England enacted the Intolerable Laws.

e) The Intolerable Laws were an important reason why the colonists decided to meet at the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

Answer explained

It was the colonists who dressed in such a way and threw the boxes of English tea into the sea.

About the Continental Congresses in Philadelphia, check which is correct:

a) The First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, held in 1774, had as its main agenda the independence of the 13 colonies.

b) It was after the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia that delegates from the US states declared war on England.

c) The Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia had as its main agenda the end of slavery in the 13 colonies.

d) The main purpose of the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia was to gather the signature of the main political leaders of the states so that they could remain united with England.

e) The main purpose of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia was to gather the signature of the main political leaders of the states so that they could remain united with England.

Answer explained

The First Continental Congress in Philadelphia brought together most of the political leaders from each state to debate and demand an end to the Intolerable Acts. The Second, on the other hand, sought to organize the colonists to fight for independence.

(ENEM) On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies that initially constituted the United States of America (USA) declared their independence and justified the rupture of the Colonial Pact. In deeply subversive words for the time, they affirmed the equality of men and proclaimed their inalienable rights: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They claimed that the power of the rulers, who were responsible for defending those rights, derived from the ruled.

These revolutionary concepts that echoed the Enlightenment were revived with greater vigor and breadth thirteen years later, in 1789, in France.

Emilia Viotti da Costa. Collection presentation. In: Wladimir Pomar. Chinese Revolution. São Paulo: UNESP, 2003 (with adaptations).

Considering the text above, about the independence of the USA and the French Revolution, mark the correct option.

a) US independence and the French Revolution were part of the same historical context, but based on opposing principles and ideals.

b) The French revolutionary process identified with the American independence movement in support of enlightened absolutism.

c) Both in the USA and in France, the Enlightenment theses supported the struggle for the recognition of rights considered essential to human dignity.

d) Because it was a pioneer, the French Revolution exercised a strong influence in triggering North American independence.

e) By breaking the Colonial Pact, the French Revolution paved the way for the independence of the Iberian colonies located in America.

Answer explained

Enlightenment ideas were very present in the Independence of the USA, which can be seen in the Declaration itself, written by Thomas Jefferson. These same ideas would later be present in the French Revolution.

(Fuvest) "Puritanism was a theory almost as much as a religious doctrine. For this reason, they had barely disembarked on that inhospitable coast [...J the first concern of the (Puritan) immigrants was to organize themselves into society."

This passage from Democracy in America, by A. de Tocqueville, concerns the attempt:

a) Failure of the French Puritans to found a new society in Brazil, the so-called France Antártida.

b) Failure of the French Puritans to found a new society in Canada.

c) Success of the English Puritans in founding a new society in the South of the United States.

d) Success of the English Puritans in founding a new society in the North of the United States, in the so-called New England.

e) Success of the English Puritans, responsible for the creation of all the English colonies in America.

Answer explained

The emergence of the USA is related to the religious conflicts that Christians of different religions faced at that time. In this way, the Puritans arrived on the American continent so that they could freely live their faith there.

(Unespar) “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they were endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That for the purpose of securing these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new one. government, basing it on such principles, and organizing its powers in such a manner as seems to it most suitable to secure its security and happiness. Prudence certainly advises not to change long-established governments for light and passing reasons; and, indeed, experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer while evils are endurable, than to do justice by abolishing the forms to which it has become accustomed. But when a long series of abuses and usurpations, invariably pursuing the same object, evinces a design to subdue the people to absolute despotism, it is their right and their duty to free themselves from such a government and to institute new safeguards for their security. future. Such has been the patient suffering of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which compels them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is one of repeated offenses and usurpations, all of which have as their direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.” (Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America – the thirteen colonies.

(Available in: http://www.agal-gz.org. Accessed September 2014)

The independence of the United States occurred on 7/4/1776. Precisely, that date marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the thirteen colonies. Based on the aforementioned section of the said Declaration, the characteristics of this event and the context in which it occurred and unfolded, mark the INCORRECT alternative.

a) Independence from the United States of America was conquered through conflicts that involved, in addition to Great Britain and the thirteen colonies, countries such as France and Spain;

b) According to the quoted passage, the British government, in order to institute a despotic regime in the thirteen colonies, he practiced insistent extortion, which put the rights of indispensable;

c) One of the immediate consequences of the War of Independence of the United States, still in the eighteenth century, was the annexation, by the thirteen colonies, of the adjacent territories, which today form the current map of that country;

d) The process of independence from the United States was preceded by a succession of restrictive actions of political freedoms and special taxation applied by Great Britain to her American colonists;

e) In the above excerpt from the Declaration, it is argued that the population has an obligation to rebel against governments that do not ensure irrevocable prerogatives, highlighting, thus, the sovereignty and determination of the peoples against the governments of tendency absolutist.

Answer explained

The American War of Independence, fought between the 13 colonies and England, took place after the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The English only recognized North American independence after 7 years of conflict, in 1783.

(Cesgranrio) In the 18th century, in the tensions between England and France, it occupied a privileged place question of colonial domains, which can be seen in the Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763), during the which:

a) British power over North America was consolidated with the victory in Quebec over the French and the expansion of the western frontier with the conquest of Mexico.

b) the two states fight for dominance in North America and where the French are defeated, losing part of Canada, especially Quebec, which, however, maintains the French culture and language.

c) the two states dispute their possessions in America and India, a fight that ends with the Treaty of Paris (1763), which granted England the possession of India, Canada, Senegal, part of Louisiana and the Antilles.

d) England incorporates Scotland and becomes Great Britain, also consolidating its dominion over Europe. Ireland, while France enters an acute process of economic crisis that accentuates the decadence of the society of the Old Regime.

e) France acquires the Antilles region from the Spaniards and extends its dominance over Asia, taking control of the Southeast Asian region.

Answer explained

The Seven Years' War was fundamental for the unfolding of North American independence, as it was after it that the British decided to increase the taxation of colonists, which increased their dissatisfaction with the colonizers and aimed at independence.

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