Verb “vir”: conjugation, agreement, summary

O verb "come"is an irregular verb of 3rd conjugation (ending in -ir). It is used in different contexts to indicate arrival, origin or emergence of something or someone.

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Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary about the verb “to come”
  • 2 - Conjugation of the verb “to come”
    • → Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the indicative mood
    • → Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the subjunctive mood
    • → Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the imperative mood
    • → Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the personal infinitive
  • 3 - Agreement of the verb “to come”
  • 4 - Uses of the verb “to come”
  • 5 - Differences between "come" and "come"
  • 6 - Differences between “vim” and “vir”
  • 7 - Differences between the verb “vir” and “ver”
  • 8 - Solved exercises on the verb “to come”

Summary on the verb “to come”

  • The verb “to come” is an irregular verb.

  • It varies in number and in person.

  • Even its stem can vary in some verb forms.

  • It is used to indicate arrival, origin or emergence.

  • In some situations, the verb “to come” is confused with the verb “to see”.

Conjugation of the verb "to come"

The verb “vir” is an irregular verb, presenting very different verbal forms, with profound alterations in some cases, even reaching the root of the word. Know the conjugations of this verb in the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods.

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the indicative mood

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the indicative mood

Present tense


1st (me)

I come

2nd (you)

you come

3rd (he/she)

he comes


1st (us)


2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)

he comes

past perfect tense


1st (me)

I came

2nd (you)

you came

3rd (he/she)

he came


1st (us)

we came

2nd (you)

you came

3rd (they/they)


past perfect tense


1st (me)


2nd (you)


3rd (he/she)



1st (us)

we came

2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)


pluperfect past tense


1st (me)


2nd (you)

you came

3rd (he/she)



1st (us)

we came

2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)


future present tense


1st (me)

I turned

2nd (you)

you will come

3rd (he/she)

will come


1st (us)

we will come

2nd (you)

you will come

3rd (they/they)

turn it

future tense of the past tense


1st (me)

would come

2nd (you)

would you come

3rd (he/she)

would come


1st (us)

we would come

2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)

would come

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the subjunctive mood

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the subjunctive mood

Present tense


1st (me)


2nd (you)


3rd (he/she)



1st (us)

let's come

2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)


past perfect tense


1st (me)


2nd (you)

you came

3rd (he/she)



1st (us)


2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)


future tense


1st (me)


2nd (you)

you come

3rd (he/she)



1st (us)

we came

2nd (you)


3rd (they/they)


Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the imperative mood

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the imperative mood

affirmative imperative



come (you)

come you)


come on (us)

come (you)

come (you)

negative imperative



don't come (you)

don't come (you)


let's not come (us)

do not come (you)

don't come (you)

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the personal infinitive

Conjugation of the verb “vir” in the ipersonal nfinitive


(by) come (I)

(for) you turn (you)

(for) to come (he/she)


(for) we come (us)

(by) coming (you)

(by) come (they/they)

Verb agreement "to come"

The verb "to come" agrees in number and person with the subject. See the examples below:

II come to the theater whenever possible.
Youyou come to the theater whenever possible.
Shehe comes to the theater whenever possible.
Ussaw to the theater whenever possible.
Youcome to the theater whenever possible.
Theyhe comes to the theater whenever possible.

Uses of the verb "to come"

The verb “to come” has several meanings.

  • Verb “to come” as a synonym of “to move”, “to arrive”:

I I came to stay!
Us we will come to the party on Friday.

  • Verb “vir” as a synonym for “being from”, “having origin in”:

I I come from Bahia, I'm from Vitória da Conquista.
that mask he comes of Venice, Italy.

  • Verb “vir” as a synonym for “arise”, “appear”:

luck can come over any time!
I was embarrassed because I didn't he came to memory their name.

  • Verb “to come” as a synonym for “to be born”:

the baby must come over next week.
We have to know when he comes our kitten's litter.

  • Verb “to come” as a synonym of “to present arguments”, “to tell stories”:

Enough of come over with apologies, I want to see results!
She always he comes with weird stories.

Differences between "come" and "come"

The verb forms “vem” and “vem” are conjugated in the 3rd person in the present tense. However, the form “vem”, without an accent, is used in the singular (ele/ela), while the form “vem”, with a circumflex accent, is used in the plural (they/they). Look:

My brother he comes visit me today.
My brothers he comes visit me today.

Differences between "come" and "come"

The word "come" is the verb itself in the infinitive. The verbal form “vim” is the verb conjugated in the 1st person singular in the past perfect tense of the indicative. Look:

To the come over here, I realized I forgot my shirt at home.
I I came here and realized I forgot my shirt at home.

Important: The word “vir” can also be a conjugated verb form of the verb “ver”, which causes the verbs “vir” and “ver” to be confused in some situations.

Differences between the verb "come" and "see"

The verb "come" and the verb "to see" have similar verb forms in the subjunctive mood, which can cause some confusion. Understand better in the table below:

future subjunctive


verb "come"

verb "see"

1st (when I)


come over

2nd (when you)

you come


3rd (when he/she)


come over

1st (when we)

we came


2nd (when you)



3rd (when they/they)



Notice the difference in these examples:

  • Verb “to come” in the present tense of the indicative mood:

My mom will come when I'm ready.

  • Verb “to see” in the present tense of the indicative mood:

My mom will see the surprise I prepared for her.

  • Verb “vir” in the future subjunctive mood:

when my mother come, I will be ready.

  • Verb “see” in the future subjunctive mood:

when my mother come over the surprise, will be excited!

In addition, there may be doubts about the conjugation in the 3rd person in the present tense. Watch:

Present tense


verb "come"

verb "see"

3rd (he/she)

he comes


3rd (they/they)

he comes


Note the difference in the following examples:

  • Verb “to come” in the present tense:

He he comes here every day at this time.
They he comes here every day at this time.

  • Verb “to see” in the present tense:

He see with difficulty...
They see with difficulty...

See too: How does the verb “bring” work?

Solved exercises on the verb “to come”

question 1

(MSE) In “And there is always a real possibility of growing up at the bank and becoming a partner”, there is the presence of the verb to come. Mark the alternative in which this verb is found in the future tense:

A) The talented young man is coming.

B) The profit will come at the end of the year.

C) The investment had come, but was lost in the bureaucracy.

D) The customer will be well served if he comes to negotiate with the bank.

E) Success would come if he tried a little harder.


E alternative.

The verb form “would come” corresponds to the 3rd person singular in the future tense of the indicative mood.

question 2


Text “Do you want to make a revolution? Do me a favor!” by André J. Gomes, in a question about the verb “vir”.

Based on the text, judge the following item.

In the section “will give way to all other cars as soon as you see a flashing arrow” (lines 10 and 11), the “vir” corresponds to the future tense of the verb ver, and not the verb vir.

( ) Right

( ) Wrong



The word “vir” corresponds to the verb “ver” conjugated in the 3rd person singular in the future subjunctive mood.

By Guilherme Viana
Grammar Teacher

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VIANA, William. "Verb "come""; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on April 5, 2023.

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