Exercises on verbs for 7th grade

Practice what you've learned about verbs with the exercises below. If you don't get it right, ask your questions in the commented answers.

question 1

Which of the alternatives completes the sentences with the appropriate verb?

I. When I (see) Ana, I say that you sent a kiss.

II. When I (come), bring the new headphones.

a) see, come

b) come, come

c) come, come

d) see, come

feedback explained

The conjugation of the verb “ver” in the 1st person singular (eu) of the future subjunctive is vir, that is: when I see (it is wrong to say “when I see”).

The conjugation of the verb “vir” in the 1st person singular (eu) of the future subjunctive is vier, that is: when I come (it is wrong to say “when I come”).

question 2

Select the regular and irregular verbs present in the song below.

White wing

When I looked at the earth burning
Which bonfire of Saint John
I asked God in heaven, wow
Why such judgment

What a brazier, what a furnace
Not a plantation foot
For lack of water I lost my cattle
My sorrel died of thirst

even the white wing
flapped its wings
"So" I said goodbye Rosinha
keep my heart with you

Today many leagues away
in a sad loneliness
I wait for the rain to fall again
For me to go back to my wilderness

When the green of your eyes
spread out in the plantation
I assure you don't cry no, see
That I'll be back, see
My heart

(Luis Gonzaga)

Regular verbs *
Verbs in the infinitive verb forms
to look I looked
burn burning
to ask I asked
to die he died
hit it hit
save guard
wait I expect
come back -
to spread -
to secure assure
to cry cry
come back I'll be back

* Regular verbs do not change their stem.

Irregular verbs *

Verbs in the infinitive verb forms
lose I've lost
to say said
to fall -
to see it saw

* Irregular verbs have a change in their stem. For example:

  • The verb “perder” in the 1st person singular present tense is “perco”.
  • The verb “to say” in the 1st person singular present subjunctive is “to say”.
  • The verb “cair” in the 3rd person plural present tense is “caem”.
  • The verb “ver” in the 1st person singular present tense is “vejo”.

question 3

Complete the sentences with the correct verb conjugation.

a) — _________ this company! One day she will be yours. said the father to the son. (to manage)

b) I would _________ my new sunglasses if I knew where they are. (per)

c) We _________ told you to follow that new channel. (be)

d) He _________ the documents last week. (require)

e) Students _________ in the debate. (to intervene)

f) The mother _________ all pots once a year. (to polish)

g) Ah, if I _________ the future... (predict)

h) You can pay when I _________ the order. (bring)

i) If he _________ secret, the surprise will be a success. (to maintain)

a) — Run this company! One day she will be yours. said the father to the son.
"Gira" is the verb form of the verb "gerir" in the 2nd person singular imperative affirmative mood.

b) I would put on my new sunglasses if I knew where they were.
"Poria" is the verb form of the verb "to put" in the 1st person singular of the future tense, indicative mood.

c) We told you to follow that new channel.
"We had" is the verb form of the verb "haver" in the 1st person plural of the imperfect indicative tense.

d) He requested the documents last week.
"Requereu" is the verb form of the verb "requerer" in the 3rd person singular of the past perfect, indicative mood.

e) The students intervened in the debate.
"Intervieram" is the verb form of the verb "intervir" in the 3rd person plural of the past perfect, indicative mood.

f) Mom skips all pots once a year.
"Pule" is the verb form of the verb "polir" in the 3rd person singular present tense.

g) Oh, if I predicted the future...
"Previsse" is the verb form of the verb "prever" in the 3rd person singular of the imperfect subjunctive.

h) You can pay when I bring the package.
"Trouxer" is the verb form of the verb "trazer" in the 1st person singular future subjunctive.

i) If he keeps it a secret, the surprise will be a success.
"Mantiver" is the verb form of the verb "manter" in the 3rd person singular future subjunctive.

question 4

The verb form of the verb to fit that correctly completes the sentence “And now? I do not _________ here” is:

a) cab

b) the verb caber is not conjugated in the 1st person present tense, because it is defective

c) cable

d) fits

e) fit

feedback explained

"Caibo" is the verb form of the verb "caber" in the 1st person singular present tense.

question 5

In the stanza below, there are many verbs in the present and past perfect tense. Identify them.

And now Jose?
The party is over
the light went out,
the people disappeared,
the night has cooled,
and now Jose?
and now, You?
You who are nameless,
that mocks others,
You who make verses,
who loves, protests?
and now Jose?

(Excerpt from José, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

Verbs in the present tense (used when narrating an action): is, mocks, does, loves, protests.

Verbs in the past perfect tense (used to indicate an action that took place in the past): finished, erased, disappeared, cooled down.

question 6

In which alternatives are the verbs in the 1st person singular present tense?

a) acted, corrected, sweated

b) I will act, correct, sweat

c) act, correct, sweat

d) act, correct, your

e) acts, corrects, its

feedback explained

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) acted, corrected, sweated

The above verbs are conjugated in the 1st person singular of the past perfect, indicative mood.

b) I will act, correct, sweat

The above verbs are conjugated in the 1st person singular of the present tense, indicative mood.

d) act, correct, sweat

The above verbs are conjugated in the 1st person singular present subjunctive

e) acts, corrects, its

The above verbs are conjugated in the 2nd person singular of the imperative affirmative way.

question 7

In which of the alternatives is the highlighted verb conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive?

a) Let's see what happens when he der spoiler.

b) It would be very unpleasant if he of that spoiler.

c) He always gave spoiler.

his He gave spoiler one more time.

and not in spoiler.

feedback explained

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) Let's see what happens when he der spoiler.

"Der" is the verb form of the verb "dar" in the 1st person singular future subjunctive.

c) He always gave spoiler.

"Dava" is the verb form of the verb "dar" in the 3rd person singular of the imperfect tense, indicative mood.

his He gave spoiler one more time.

"Deu" is the verb form of the verb "dar" in the 3rd person singular of the past perfect, indicative mood.

and not in spoiler.

"Dê" is the verb form of the verb "dar" in the 3rd person of the negative imperative mood.

question 8

Indicate the sentences whose highlighted verbs are in the indicative mood.

  1. Already watched that YouTube video?
  2. that this anguish end soon!
  3. What if let's enjoy the day at the beach?
  4. I will travel tomorrow
  5. would travel tomorrow.
  6. if had money, would buy the entire library.
  7. I let you know when they arrive.
  8. He comes here, now!

a) 1, 4 and 5

b) 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8

c) 3, 6 and 7

d) 8

e) 2 and 8

feedback explained

1. Already watched that YouTube video? (3rd person singular past perfect, indicative mood)

4. I will travel tomorrow. (1st person singular present tense, indicative mood)

5. would travel tomorrow.(1st person singular past tense, indicative mood)

As for the remaining alternatives:

2. that this anguish end soon! (3rd person singular present subjunctive)

3. What if let's enjoy the day at the beach? (1st person plural of the imperfect subjunctive)

6. if had money, would buy the entire library. (1st person singular past imperfect subjunctive)

7. I Warning when they arrive. (1st person singular present tense)

8. He comes here, now! (2nd person singular imperative affirmative)

question 9

Indicate the tenses and verb moods of the highlighted verbs.

a) I would think better before saying something.
b) that he respect everyone's opinions.
c) John had studied all weekend.
d) I will call as soon as possible.
and) measure 1,60.

a) Future tense, indicative mood.

b) Present subjunctive.

c) Pluperfect past tense, indicative mood.

d) Future tense, indicative mood.

e) Present tense.

question 10

In which of the alternatives is the verb conjugated in the same tense and verb form as the following sentence: “I will fulfill my duties until the end”?

a) I did what I could do.

b) I would do it all over again.

c) We will start the exercises tomorrow.

d) You acted rudely.

e) I looked at everything and found no clues.

feedback explained

“Comprerei” is the verb form of the verb “comprir” in the 1st person singular of the present tense, indicative mood.

“Começar” is the verb form of the verb “comestar” in the 1st person plural of the present tense, indicative mood.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) I did what I could do.

“Fiz” is the verb form of the verb “to do” in the 1st person singular of the past perfect, indicative mood.

b) I would do it all over again.

“Faria” is the verb form of the verb “to make” in the 1st person singular of the future tense, indicative mood.

d) You acted rudely.

“Agistes” is the verb form of the verb "to act" in the 2nd person plural of the past perfect, indicative mood.

e) I looked at everything and found no clues.

“Observei” is the verb form of the verb "observar" in the 1st person singular of the past perfect, indicative mood.

question 11

In which of the alternatives is there a conjugation error?

a) She intervened in the decision.

b) What if I entertain the audience while the singer doesn't arrive?

c) In the end, I will sing what the audience asks for.

d) It seems that he foresaw what would happen.

e) We comb her hair before bed.

feedback explained

Correction: Looks like he foresaw what would happen.

"Previu" is the verb form of the verb "prever" in the past perfect, indicative mood.

question 12

If he _________ fear, he won't make it.

If he _________ fear, he wouldn't be able to.

a) have, had

b) have, had

c) had, have

d) have, had

e) have, had

feedback explained

If he's afraid, he won't be able to.

If he was afraid, he couldn't.

"Tiver" is the verb form of the verb "to have" in the future subjunctive.

"Have" is the verb form of the verb "to have" past imperfect subjunctive.

See too:

  • Activities about verbs
  • What is verb?
  • Verb tenses
  • verbal modes
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