5 questions about Humanism (with feedback and comments)

We prepared and selected 5 exercises on Humanism so you can test your knowledge.

Which of the following characteristics does not correspond to humanism:




Valuation of Classical Antiquity.


Answer explained

Considering that the question wants to know the wrong alternative:

a) WRONG. Anthropocentrism, man at the center of man's own thinking, was one of the main characteristics of humanism.

b) WRONG. The appreciation of the use of science to explain diverse phenomena was very strong during humanism.

c) WRONG. The use of reason was also a key point of humanism.

d) WRONG. The humanist authors sought to resume the values ​​and thoughts developed during Classical Antiquity, which correspond to the Greco-Roman thoughts of the Ancient Age.

e) CORRECT. Atheism was not a present practice during the humanist period. Although humanist thinkers questioned some dogmas of the Catholic Church, this did not mean an abandonment of Christian thought.

About humanism, mark the correct alternative.

It was a European intellectual movement developed during the 5th century.

Its main feature was the appreciation of dogmatic religious thoughts.

In literature, some authors stood out in the humanist movement, such as Francesco Petrarca and Dante Alighieri.

Anthropocentrism, God at the center of everything, was one of the main characteristics of humanism.

Humanist thinkers had an enormous contempt for ancient Greek and Roman thinkers.

Answer explained

a) WRONG. Humanism developed and gained strength during the 15th century.

b) WRONG. Humanism valued rationalism as opposed to religious dogmas.

c) CORRECT. In addition to the cited authors, we can also add Giovanni Boccaccio and Erasmo de Rotterdam.

d) WRONG. Anthropocentrism is one of the characteristics of humanism, but it does not mean "God at the center of everything". This phrase is normally used to represent theocentrism.

e) WRONG. Humanists practiced an appreciation of Greco-Roman thought.

About humanism in the arts, analyze the questions below and mark the correct one:

Humanist artists sought to create works of art that had the image of God as their central focus, ignoring the figure of the human being.

Thomas More was one of the main humanist writers, with "The Prince" being his most outstanding work.

In literature, humanism is seen as a moment of transition between Troubadourism and Classicism.

In the humanist paintings, it is possible to observe the appreciation of the representations of animals, since the great focus of the humanists was on nature, the main creation of God.

Humanism emerged in Europe at a time when large industrialists dominated the economic scene, due to the Industrial Revolution.

Answer explained

a) WRONG. Humanist artists did not ignore the figure of the human being. On the contrary, there was an appreciation, called anthropocentrism.

b) WRONG. Thomas More was one of the great writers of humanism, but the work "The Prince" was not written by him but by Niccolò Machiavelli.

c) CORRECT. Humanism has as a characteristic this transition between the two phases presented.

d) WRONG. The valorization in humanism was in the human being and not in nature.

e) WRONG. The Industrial Revolution occurred three centuries after the height of humanism.

(IFRR) Humanism was a movement with philosophical, political, cultural and artistic developments. Regarding Humanism, it is INCORRECT to state that:

During the Renaissance, he was inspired by the knowledge of the ancient Greco-Roman civilization;

He valued critical knowledge aimed at a greater understanding of man and a culture capable of developing the potential of the human condition.

He spread ideas that opposed the reigning theocentrism, understanding Man as the greatest divine work.

He defended the human capacity to create and transform natural and social reality, reaffirming the idea of ​​free will.

He defended the need for religious intervention in all areas of human life in order to promote the progress and unity of spirits and individuals.

Answer explained

Considering that the question asks for the wrong alternative:

a) WRONG. The statement is correct because humanism brought with it a great appreciation of Greco-Roman ideas.

b) WRONG. The statement is correct because, with humanism, anthropocentrism gained strength. Anthropocentrism is the focus of the thought of the human being being the human being in order to develop his reason and actions.

c) WRONG. The statement is correct because humanism brought a substitution of theocentrism for anthropocentrism.

d) WRONG. The statement is correct because humanists saw in human beings the ability to understand and modify nature in their favor.

e) CORRECT. The statement is wrong because, despite not being atheists, the humanists advocated distancing religion from scientific research.

(UNICAMP) In 1516, Thomas Morus created the idea of ​​utopia by describing an imaginary island. A literary genre emerged, associated with history, philosophy and politics. The logic of this idea led to the construction of universally valid criteria for each activity, with norms and codes. Thus arose the treatises on the perfect courtier, on the perfect man of the world, on the perfect city.

(Adapted from Carlos Eduardo O. Berriel, “Utopian Cities of the Renaissance”. Science and Culture, São Paulo, v. 56, no. 2. Apr./June. 2004. Available in http://cienciaecultura.bvs.br /scielo.php? script=sci_arttext&pid=S0009-67252004000200021.)

Considering the text above and your knowledge, mark the correct alternative.

Morus' work, written in England, was based on the experience of sovereigns in Italy and Germany who built new cities in the 15th century, geometrically planned.

Grand Chancellor of England, Morus exerted a humanist action in a renaissance world of continuous crises and instabilities. In this context he published his work Utopia.

From the philosophical principle of utopia, several Renaissance treatises were written. The Prince, by Machiavelli, illustrates the best version of the courtier acting in the utopian world.

The perfectly rationalized island of Utopia marked Renaissance urbanism in Europe and the New World. The exhaustion of this idea of ​​utopia occurred with the idea of ​​dystopia, in the 20th century.

Answer explained

a) WRONG. Italy and Germany did not yet exist during the 15th century, having been founded only in the 19th century, in the so-called Late Unifications.

b) CORRECT. Morus was one of the leading thinkers of the humanist period.

c) WRONG. The objective of Machiavelli's work was not to present a utopian world, but practical actions, based on different historical contexts, to help a prince to govern.

d) WRONG. Utopias are not exhausted ideas. Even today, it is possible to find works that deal with this theme.

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