Bisquare Equation Exercises

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Answer: The sum of the real roots is zero.

We factor the x to the power of 4 how open parentheses x squared close parentheses squared and we rewrite the equation as:

opens square brackets x squared closes square brackets minus 2 squared x squared minus 3 equals 0

We do x squared equals y and we substitute in the equation.

y squared minus 2 straight y minus 3 equals 0

We fall back on a quadratic equation with parameters:

a = 1
b = -2
c = -3

The discriminant of the equation is:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals open parentheses minus 2 closes squared parentheses minus 4.1. left parenthesis minus 3 right parenthesis increment equals 4 space plus space 12 increment equals 16

The roots are:

y with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 2 right parenthesis plus square root of 16 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 2 plus 4 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 6 over 2 equals 3 y with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. the end of the fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 2 right parenthesis minus square root of 16 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 2 minus 4 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals numerator minus 2 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals less 1

y1 and y2 are the roots of the quadratic equation, but we're finding the roots of the 4th-degree bisquare equation.

We use the relation x squared equals y to find the roots of the bisquare equation for each y value found.

For y1 = 3

x squared equals y x squared equals 3 x equals plus or minus square root of 3 x equals minus square root of 3 space and x space equals square root of 3 are real roots.

For y2 = -1

x squared equals y x squared equals minus 1 x equals the square root of minus 1 end of the root

Since there is no solution in the set of real numbers for the square root of a negative number, the roots are complex.

So the sum of the real roots is:

space minus square root of 3 space plus space square root of 3 space equals 0

Right answer: S equals open braces minus 3 comma 3 close braces

First we must manipulate the equation in order to position x squared on the same member of the equality.

x squared left parenthesis x squared minus 18 right parenthesis equals negative 81

Making the distributive and passing the 81 to the left side:

x to the power of 4 minus 18 x squared plus 81 equals 0 space left parenthesis and what space I parenthesis right

We have a bisquare equation, that is, twice squared. To solve, we use an auxiliary variable, doing:

x squared equals y space left parenthesis and q u a tion space I I right parenthesis

We factor the x to the power of 4 in equation I and rewrite it as open parentheses x squared close parentheses squared. So, equation I becomes:

opens parentheses x squared closes parentheses squared minus 18 x squared plus 81 equals 0 space left parenthesis and what space I parenthesis right

We use the device of equation II, substituting in equation I, x squared per and.

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y squared minus 18 y plus 81 equals 0 space

Once we have a quadratic equation, let's solve it using Bhaskara.

The parameters are:

a = 1
b = -18
c = 81

The delta is:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals left parenthesis minus 18 right parenthesis squared minus 4.1.81 increment equals 324 space minus space 324 increment equals 0

The two roots will be equal to:

y with 1 subscript equals y with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 18 right parenthesis space plus or minus square root of 0 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals 18 over 2 equals 9

Once the roots y1 and y2 are determined, we substitute them in equation II:

x squared equals 9 x equals plus or minus square root of 9 x equals 3 space and x space equals negative 3

Thus, the solution set of the equation is:

S equals open braces minus 3 comma 3 close braces

Response: S equals left brace minus square root of 5 comma minus square root of 3 comma space square root of 3 comma space square root of 5 right brace

Moving the 15 to the left side:

x to the power of 4 space minus space 8 x squared space plus 15 equals 0

factoring x to the power of 4 how open parentheses x squared close parentheses squared:

opens parentheses x squared closes parentheses squared minus space 8 x squared plus 15 equals 0

Doing x squared equals y and substituting in the equation:

y squared minus space 8 y plus 15 equals 0

In the polynomial equation of the second degree of variable y, the parameters are:

a = 1
b = -8
c = 15

Using Bhaskara to determine the roots:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals open parenthesis minus 8 close parenthesis squared minus 4.1.15 increment equals 64 minus 60 increment equals 4
x with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 8 right parenthesis plus square root of 4 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 8 plus 2 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 10 over 2 equals 5 x with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. to end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 8 right parenthesis minus square root of 4 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 8 minus 2 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 6 over 2 equals 3

The equation we are solving is the bisquare, with variable y, so we have to come back with the values ​​for y.

Substituting in the relation x squared equals y:

For the root x1=5
y equals x squared 5 equals x squared x equals plus or minus square root of 5 x equals square root of 5 space and space x equals minus square root of 5

For the root x2 = 3
y equals x squared 3 equals x squared x equals plus or minus square root of 3 x equals square root of 3 space and space x equals minus square root of 3

So, the solution set is: S equals left brace minus square root of 5 comma minus square root of 3 comma space square root of 3 comma space square root of 5 right brace.

Answer: The product of the real roots of the equation is -4.

factoring x to the power of 4 for open parentheses x squared close parentheses squared and rewriting the biquadratic equation:

opens parentheses x squared closes parentheses squared plus 2 x squared – 24 equals 0

Doing x squared equals y and substituting in the equation, we have an equation of the second degree of parameters:

y squared plus 2 y – 24 equals 0

a = 1
b = 2
c = -24

The delta is:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals 2 squared minus 4.1. minus 24 increment equals 4 plus 96 increment equals 100

The roots are:

y with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus 2 plus square root of 100 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator minus 2 space plus space 10 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 8 over 2 equals 4 y with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus 2 minus square root of 100 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator minus 2 space minus space 10 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals numerator minus 12 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals less 6

The biquadratic equation is in the variable x, so we must go back through the relation x squared equals y.

For y1 = 4

x squared equals y x squared equals 4 x equals plus or minus square root of 4 x equals 2 space and x space equals negative 2

For y2 = -6

x squared equals y x squared equals negative 6 x equals the square root of negative 6 end of the root

Since there is no real solution to the square root of a negative number, the roots will be complex.

The product of the real roots will be:

2 space multiplication sign space left parenthesis minus 2 right parenthesis space equals space minus 4

Answer: The roots of the equation are: -3, -1, 1 and 3.

Doing the distributive and bringing the -81 to the left side:

9 x left parenthesis x cubed minus 10 x right parenthesis space equals space minus 81 9 x to the power of 4 minus 90 x squared plus 81 equals 0

For simplicity, we can divide both sides by 9:

numerator 9 x to the power of 4 over denominator 9 end of fraction minus numerator 90 x squared over denominator 9 end of fraction plus 81 over 9 equals 0 over 9 x to the power of 4 minus 10 x squared plus 9 equal to 0

Since we get a bisquare equation, let's reduce it to a quadratic equation, doing x squared equals y.

The equation is:

y squared minus 10 y space plus space 9 space equals 0

The parameters are:

a = 1
b = -10
c = 9

The delta will be:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals left parenthesis minus 10 right parenthesis squared minus 4.1.9 increment equals 100 space minus space 36 increment equals 64

The roots are:

y with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 10 right parenthesis plus square root of 64 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 10 plus 8 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 18 over 2 equals 9 y with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. to end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 10 right parenthesis minus square root of 64 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 10 minus 8 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 2 over 2 equals 1

Returning to x, we do:

x squared equals y

For the root y1 = 9
x squared equals 9 x equals plus or minus square root of 9 x equals 3 space and x space equals negative 3

For the root y2 = 1

x squared equals 1 x equals plus or minus square root of 1 x equals 1 space and x space equals minus 1

So the roots of the equation are: -3, -1, 1 and 3.

Correct answer: d) 6

factoring the x to the power of 4 for open parentheses x squared close parentheses squared and rewriting the inequality:

space opens parentheses x squared closes parentheses squared - space 20 x squared space plus space 64 space less than or equal to space 0

Doing x squared equals y and substituting in the previous inequality:

y squared – space 20 y space plus space 64 space less than or equal to space 0

Solving the parameter inequality:

a = 1
b = -20
c = 64

Calculating the delta:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals open parenthesis minus 20 close parenthesis squared minus 4.1.64 increment equals 400 space minus space 256 increment equals 144

The roots will be:

y with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b space plus space square root of increment over denominator 2. the end of the fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 20 right parenthesis space plus space square root of 144 over denominator 2 space. space 1 end of fraction equals numerator 20 space plus space 12 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 32 over 2 equals 16 y with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b space minus space square root increment over denominator 2. the end of the fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 20 right parenthesis space minus space square root of 144 over denominator 2 space. space 1 end of fraction equals numerator 20 space minus space 12 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 8 over 2 equals 4

Substituting the roots y1 and y2 in the relationship between x and y:

x squared equals y

For the root y1 = 16

x squared equals 16 x equals plus or minus square root of 16 x equals 4 space and x space equals minus 4

For the root y2 = 4

x squared equals 4 x equals plus or minus square root of 4 x equals 2 space and x space equals negative 2

Analyzing the intervals that satisfy the condition: x to the power of 4 space – space 20 x squared space plus space 64 space less than or equal to space 0

[ -4; -2] and [2; 4]

Therefore, considering only the integers that make up the intervals:

-4, -3, -2 and 2, 3, 4

Six integers satisfy the inequality.

Correct answer: a) S equals open braces minus square root of 3 comma space minus 1 comma space 1 comma space square root of 3 close braces.

factoring y to the power of 4 for open parentheses y squared close parentheses squared and rewriting the equation:

2 opens parentheses y squared closes parentheses squared space minus space 8 y squared space plus space 6 space equals space 0

Doing x equals y squared and substituting in the above equation:

2 x squared space minus space 8 x space plus space 6 space equals space 0

We fall back on an equation of the second degree of parameters:

a = 2
b = -8
c = 6

Calculating the delta:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals open parentheses minus 8 closes squared parentheses minus 4.2.6 increment equals 64 space minus space 48 increment equals 16

The roots are:

x with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b plus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 8 right parenthesis plus square root of 16 over denominator 2.2 end of fraction equals numerator 8 plus 4 over denominator 4 end of fraction equals 12 over 4 equals 3 x with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus square root increment over denominator 2. the end of the fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 8 right parenthesis minus square root of 16 over denominator 2.2 end of fraction equals numerator 8 minus 4 over denominator 4 end of fraction equals 4 over 4 equals 1

Substituting the roots of the quadratic equation x1 and x2 into the equation relating x and y:

y squared equals x

For x = 3, we have:

y squared equals 3 y equals plus or minus square root of 3 y equals square root of 3 space and space minus square root of 3

For x = 1, we have:

y squared equals 1 y equals plus or minus square root of 1 y equals 1 space and space minus 1

So, the solution set is:

S equals open braces minus square root of 3 comma space minus 1 comma space 1 comma space square root of 3 close braces

Right answer: b right parenthesis space 3 square root of space 2 end of root space.

factoring x to the power of 4 equal to open parentheses x squared close parentheses squared and rewriting the equation:

opens parentheses x squared closes parentheses squared space minus space 11 x squared space plus space 18 space equals space 0

Doing x squared equals y and rewriting the equation:

y squared minus 11 y space plus space 18 space equals space 0

In the quadratic equation the parameters are;

a= 1
b= -11
c = 18

The delta is:

increment equal to b squared minus 4. The. c increment equals open parentheses minus 11 closes squared parentheses minus 4 space.1 space.18 increment equals 121 space minus space 72 increment equals 49
y with 1 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. end of fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 11 right parenthesis plus square root of 49 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 11 plus 7 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 18 over 2 equals 9 y with 2 subscript equals numerator minus b plus or minus square root increment over denominator 2. the end of the fraction equals numerator minus left parenthesis minus 11 right parenthesis minus square root of 49 over denominator 2.1 end of fraction equals numerator 11 minus 7 over denominator 2 end of fraction equals 4 over 2 equals 2

Now we must substitute the values ​​of the roots of the quadratic equation y1 and y2 in the relation x squared equals y.

For y1 = 9
x squared equals y x squared equals 9 x equals plus or minus square root of 9 x equals 3 space and x space equals negative 3

For y2 = 2

x squared equals y x squared equals 2 x equals plus or minus square root of 2 x equals square root of 2 space and space x equals minus square root of 2

Therefore, the product of the positive roots will be:

3 space multiplication sign space square root of 2 equals 3 square root of 2
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