Carolina Godinho is the author of the @lanchinhos profile and will give tips for healthy and fun snacks.
Hello!! I'm Carolina Godinho, mother of Kenji (8 years) and Koji (6 years). I write on the instagram profile @lanchinhos and I am the owner of the Lanchinhos store. Together with Brazil School, let's make it available tips and recipes for creative snacks and nutritious for children to take to school.
See too: What can't be missing from the school lunch box?
How it all began
In 2013, I saw a photo of a creative snack for the first time. Kenji was already at a school that provided the lunch and I didn't need (nor could) send it. I thought that snack in the photo was very beautiful and I thought about the child who would eat it. I thought about how happy she would be to see a snack prepared with so much love and how the mother's love that moment. That's when I decided that, when my kids went to a school that needed a snack, I would do it that way (I was already thinking about changing schools).
In February 2015, when Kenji changed schools and Koji went to school for the first time, I was able to put my creative snack project into practice. would be the only snack that they would do away from me and I believed it was a way to make me present at that moment.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
As they were very young (3 and 2 years old), I decided to make a file so they could remember their snacks when they were older. That's when the profile appeared. @snacks.
The profile @snacks came up as a way to record the snacks prepared by me.
There I started to put the photo of the snack and what it contained. As the profile was opened, some followers began to appear. After a few days of posts, a follower asked me to post the revenues, so I started to put them in posts and then the profile started to grow. With the interactions and questions, I realized that this was already much more than a file for my children, that I was helping other mothers to be inspired and even improve their children's diet. So I started, in addition to putting recipes, to give some tips.
In my opinion, what stands out are the practical tips and the easy recipes and with small incomes. I show that it is possible to stay away from industrialized products and provide healthy food for our children without having to spend hours in the kitchen.
Read too: Why shouldn't children go to school without breakfast?
Brasil Escola + @snacks = lots of tips for nutritious snacks
With more than 4 years preparing snacks, I learned a lot in practice and also in exchanges with followers. And it is with this “baggage” that I come here to write this column for you. I want to give tips, recipes, menus, clear up doubts, inspire, in short, whatever you think is necessary. Let's do this column together?
Just go down the page a little and you will find all the articles with tips and snack recipes for children to take to school.
By Carolina Godinho
Carolina Godinho has a degree in Administration and worked in the area for 15 years, until motherhood came into her life. In 2015, created the profile @snacks in order to record all the healthy snacks she prepares daily for her children, Kenji and Koji.
She is also responsible for the Snacks store, where the items used to make up all the children's lunchboxes are found.