Agenda 21. Understanding Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is one of the reflections of the Eco-92 Conference (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) that took place in 1992, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The purpose of this event was to discuss actions that could combine socioeconomic development and environmental preservation.

Each country is responsible for preparing its Agenda 21. It consists of a document by which each country must be committed to the social and environmental problems existing in the world; from particular or regional issues to general or global ones.
Agenda 21 aims to elucidate a new perspective of development, providing an unprecedented concept for industrial society; in addition to establishing an innovative concept in relation to the development model currently in place. The document also provides that the socioeconomic development of countries must be based on quality, not just quantity, that is, considering human and nature preservation.
What is sought from Agenda 21 is the global implementation of a sustainable development model, trying to combine environmental preservation, social issues and economic growth. The reconciliation of these items is not an easy task, especially in capitalist societies that only aim at profit.

Given the meaning and objectives proposed by Agenda 21, it is noted that its effective implementation seems to be far away, considering that the results are still modest or imperceptible.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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