Discursive questions about carbohydrates

You carbohydratesare organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen It is oxygen It is considered the main source of energy for living beings.

We prepared a list of discursive questions about carbohydrates so you can test your knowledge about these organic molecules.

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You can consult the answers and save this list of exercises in PDF at the end of the post!

Discursive questions about carbohydrates

1) (UFV) Using your knowledge about life on planet Earth, answer:

a) Where do all the natural sugars used by animals and plants come from?
b) Why is it said that if the production of natural sugars ended, life on earth would be extinct?

2) According to the number of carbons, carbohydrates are classified into __________ types. __________ are simple carbohydrates that have the suffix -ose. __________ are complex carbohydrates formed by the union of several __________.

3) (VUNESP) Complex sugars, resulting from the union of many monosaccharides, are called polysaccharides.

a) Name two energy reserve polysaccharides, one of animal origin and the other of vegetable origin.
b) Name an animal organ and a vegetable organ where each of these sugars can be found.

4) Polysaccharides are large molecules of carbohydrates, called complex carbohydrates. What is the name of the bonds by which several monosaccharides join together to form a polysaccharide?

5) Originally from India, banana is one of the fruits consumed by man for the longest time (...) Rich in sugars and vitamin C, it was called 'the food of the wise'. The banana also favors the secretion of neurotransmitters, being a complete and low-calorie food (…). The banana is an excellent 'fuel' for athletes. This is due to the fact that this natural source of energy (…) contains, in ideal proportions, different carbohydrates (…). in: “Tudo – The book of knowledge”, insert of IstoÉ magazine.

Carbohydrates can be present in bananas in the form of glucose, fructose and starch. For these substances, answer:

a) What is the classification of the mentioned sugars?
b) Which sugars can be used directly? Which needs to undergo digestion?

6) The main energy reserves of mammals are, firstly, fats and, secondly, a type of sugar, glycogen. Glycogen, however, has an advantage for the body over fats. What is the capacity of glycogen that gives it this advantage?

7) What are the main functions of carbohydrates?

8) What is the carbohydrate present in the striated muscle fibers to obtain energy for contraction?

9) (UNAMA) Under the strong sun, Seu Manoel, a Northeastern pilgrim who accompanied the Círio holding the rope, was sweating a lot, breathing heavily and having muscle weakness in his legs. During the procession stops, to pay homage to the Saint, Seu Manoel ate a piece of brown sugar that he carried in his pocket. Feeling improvement of the weakness, he steadily returned to his devotion.

a) Explain how the consumption of rapadura, a food rich in sucrose, improved Manoel's physical condition.
b) What is the biological role of sweat, eliminated by Seu Manoel?

10) How are carbohydrates classified?

Answer to question 1

a) Natural sugars come from photosynthesis.

b) Because sugars are the main source of energy and all living beings depend on them for their survival. In addition, they are part of the composition of essential molecules, such as nucleic acids.

Answer to question 2

Three; monosaccharides; polysaccharides; monosaccharides.

Answer to question 3

a) Animal: glycogen; vegetable: starch.

b) Animal: liver and muscles; vegetable: source.

Answer to question 4

The joining of several monosaccharides to form a polysaccharide is called glycosidic bonds.

Answer to question 5

The) Glucose and fructose – monosaccharides; starch – polysaccharide.

b) Monosaccharides can be absorbed directly, while polysaccharides must be digested.

Answer to question 6

Glycogen is capable of undergoing hydrolysis. Sugars are less energetic than sugars lipids; therefore, the storage of lipids as an energy reserve ends up being a good strategy for organisms.

However, the hydrolysis of lipids takes longer than that of sugars. In this way, the reserve of a little sugar guarantees a faster release of glucose (which will be used in the energy metabolism) for the organism.

Answer to question 7

Carbohydrates are organic molecules that are considered the main source of energy for living beings, being stored in the form of starch, in the plants, and glycogen, in animals.

Answer to question 8

The carbohydrate present in striated muscle fibers is glycogen.

Answer to question 9

a) Sucrose (disaccharide), when digested, provides glucose and fructose, which will be used as a source of energy.

b) When sweat water evaporates, it absorbs body heat, helping to regulate body temperature.

Answer to question 10

Carbohydrates are classified as monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Monosaccharides have a less complex constitution, undergo hydrolysis and have from two to seven carbons.

You disaccharides They are formed by two monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds and are soluble in water.

Polysaccharides are formed by the union of several monosaccharides and are very complex molecules.

Click here to save this list of carbohydrate quiz questions in PDF!

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