Transposed Matrix: definition, properties and exercises

The transpose of a matrix A is a matrix that has the same elements as A, but placed in a different position. It is obtained by orderly transporting the elements from the lines of A to the columns of the transpose.

Therefore, given a matrix A = (aij)mxn the transpose of A is At = (a’ji) n x m.


i: line position
j: column position
Theij: an element of the array at position ij
m: number of rows of the matrix
n: number of columns in the matrix
THEt: transposed matrix of A

Note that the matrix A is of order m x n, while its transpose At is of order n x m.


Find the matrix transposed from matrix B.

Example transposed matrix

As the given matrix is ​​of the 3x2 type (3 lines and 2 columns) its transpose will be of the 2x3 type (2 lines and 3 columns).
To build the transposed matrix, we must write all columns of B as rows of Bt. As indicated in the diagram below:

Example transposed matrix

Thus, the transposed matrix of B will be:

Example transposed matrix

See too: Matrices

Transposed Matrix Properties

  • (THEt)t = A: This property indicates that the transpose of a transposed matrix is ​​the original matrix.
  • (A + B)t = At + Bt: the transpose of the sum of two matrices is equal to the sum of the transpose of each of them.
  • (THE. B)t = Bt. THEt: the transpose of the multiplication of two matrices is equal to the product of the transposes of each of them, in inverse order.
  • det (M) = det (Mt): the determinant of the transposed matrix is ​​equal to the determinant of the original matrix.

Symmetric Matrix

A matrix is ​​called symmetric when, for any element of matrix A, the equality aij = theji it's true.

Matrices of this type are square matrices, that is, the number of rows is equal to the number of columns.

Every symmetric matrix satisfies the following relationship:

A = At

Example transposed matrix

Opposite Matrix

It is important not to confuse the opposite matrix with the transposed one. The opposite matrix is ​​one that contains the same elements in the rows and columns, however, with different signs. Thus, the opposite of B is –B.

Opposite Matrix

Inverse matrix

THE inverse matrix (indicated by the number –1) is the one where the product of two matrices is equal to a square identity matrix (I) of the same order.


THE. B = B. A = Ino (when matrix B is inverse of matrix A)

Inverse matrix

Entrance Exam Exercises with Feedback

1. (Fei-SP) Given the Matrix A = headquarters, being thet its transpose, the determinant of matrix A. THEt é:

to 1
b) 7
c) 14
d) 49

Alternative d: 49

2. (FGV-SP) A and B are matrices and At is the transposed matrix of A. if Matrix exercise, then the matrix At. B will be null for:

a) x + y = –3
b) x. y = 2
c) x/y = –4
d) x. y2 = –1
e) x/y = –8

Alternative d: x. y2 = –1

3. (UFSM-RS) Knowing that the matrix


is equal to transposed, the value of 2x + y is:

a) –23
b) -11
c) -1
d) 11
e) 23

Alternative c: -1

Read too:

  • Matrices - Exercises
  • Types of Matrices
  • Matrices and Determinants
  • Matrix Multiplication
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