More or But: when to use?

O "more" it's the "but” are two words that sound similar, however, they are used in different contexts. Check out the difference between them and their usage rules below.


The word "more” has as an antonym the “minus”. In this case, it indicates the addition or increase of the quantity of something.

Although it is mostly used as intensity adverb, depending on the function it plays in the sentence, the “more” can be a noun, preposition, indefinite pronoun or conjunction.


I want to go more times to Europe.
Today we live in a better world and more fair.
Jonathan went to the party with his friend more your girlfriend.

Tip: One way to know if you are using the word correctly is to change it to its antonym “minus”.


The word “but” can play the role of a noun, conjunction or adverb.

1. Like substantive, the “but” is associated with some defect.

Example: Nor but, not half but, do your homework now.

2. Like adversative conjunction, the “but” is used when the speaker wants to expose an idea contrary to what was said previously.

Example: I'm very calm, but I'm really nervous right now.

In this case, it has the same meaning as: however, however, however, however, provided that, etc.

3. Like adverb, the “but” is used to emphasize some information.

Example: She is very dedicated, but so dedicated that she worked for years selling candy.

Don't confuse!

The word "bad" with an accent is the plural of "bad", that is, it is an adjective synonymous with bad, for example:

This semester your grades are very but.


To better understand the differences between these terms, watch the video below:

but or more - What's the difference?

Template Exercises

1. (Cesgranrio) To comply with the standard rule, the sentence below must be completed.

We hope that, ____ a few years from now, we will not have to deal ____ with the same problems that we have faced ____ two decades ago in Brazil.

The word sequence that fills in the above gaps according to the standard norm is:

a) a - but - there is
b) a - more - a
c) a - more - there is
d) there is - but - there is
e) there is - more - the

Alternative c: a - more - there

2. (MS-Concursos/2017) With reference to the words "but" (conjunction), "más" (adjective) and "more" (adverb), mark the incorrect alternative:

a) The sword wins, but it doesn't convince.
b) I did everything very calmly: slowly comes faster.
c) Those women are bad.
d) The Sun, that is, the one closest to the stars, commands terrestrial life.

Alternative a) The sword wins, but it doesn't convince.

3. (Cesgranrio-2018) The highlighted word is correctly spelled according to the standard norm of the Portuguese language in:

a) The existence of individuals with their different cultures makes the world very complex, more this coexistence will only become possible if differences are respected.

b) Overcrowding in cities harms the quality of life, more the search for better opportunities maintains the process of rural migration to urban centers.

c) Technology makes us very dependent because we need it at all times, more it has provided great achievements for humanity.

d) New communication technologies have contributed to people's lives in a decisive way, more precisely in interpersonal relationships of a virtual character.

e) Recent discussions about social inequalities reveal that there is still a long way to go to be eliminated, more we have to face fundamental questions.

Alternative d) New communication technologies have contributed to people's lives in a decisive way, more precisely in interpersonal relationships of a virtual character.

4. (IBFC-2015) In the fragment "Another acquaintance, but one of those you can't miss going to the wake.”, two words are highlighted that are similar in terms of pronunciation, but differ in terms of morphological classification. Check the option that indicates, respectively, the semantic value they introduce.

a) intensity and opposition
b) addition and explanation
c) opposition and conclusion
d) rectification and intensity

Alternative a) intensity and opposition

See also other Portuguese questions:

  • Evil or Evil?
  • Travel or Travel
  • In order or In order?
  • Evil or Evil?
  • Lose or Lose?
  • Use of Where and Where
  • Finally or In End?
  • When to Use: This or This?
  • Session, Section, Section, Assignment
  • Use of Why, Why, Why and Why
  • Biggest Portuguese mistakes you have to stop making
  • Welcome, Welcome, Welcome or Welcome?
  • Spelling Exercises

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