Meaning of Extend (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Extend is a transitive verb originating in Latin extend, which can mean Open, to stretch, dilate, to spread, unroll, widen, to develop, extend, stretches. expand.

Depending on the context, the word extend can have different meanings. It can mean a physical extension, in the scope of chronological time or even a symbolic extension.

Many people have doubts about the correct way to spell this word, with confusion between extend or extend. Perhaps many people make the mistake because they confuse it with the word extension, which is spelled with "x". Despite this, the correct way is to extend and never extend, just like you write extension and never extend.

Expressions with the word extend

extend the invitation: when someone invites someone and also invites other people, such as boyfriend/girlfriend or family and friends.

reach out: implies greeting or helping someone in a certain situation.

Extend warranty (or extended warranty): when the warranty period of any purchased product is extended.

extend the deadline

: when a deadline is extended, and the person has more time to fulfill the task in question. (the "extend deadline" variant is wrong)

hang out the clothes: Stretch or hang the laundry on the clothesline for it to dry.

extend the tablecloth: Properly place the tablecloth on the table before a meal.

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