Meaning of Tertúlia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Tertulia is a feminine noun and means a family or friends gathering. It can also be classified as a collective of intimates gathered for the same purpose.

Usually, get-togethers have an artistic and didactic connotation, as a space for creation and philosophical discussion.

In the southern region of Brazil, gatherings are known for moments of celebration and reinforcement of southern regionalism.

Music and singing festivals also constitute the get-togethers, which can be organized and held in schools, community centers or within an isolated family group.

In fact, in schools, gatherings have a great importance for the development of the individual's critical and artistic sense, through playful activities.

Literary associations or spaces for discussions about poetic books, fictitious or non-fictitious, can also be considered gatherings. In this case, a get-together would be a smaller literary association (with fewer participants) than a literary academy or a literary arcade.

You synonyms The most common gatherings are: meeting, assembly and plenary.

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