Meaning of Hatch (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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hatch is an intransitive verb, which characterizes something that comes up and is instantly visible, that if develops, pops up or if stand up.

It is a word used to express a culmination in the sense of something that was in preparation and that suddenly appeared.

Some examples might be: "The plant will hatch very quickly", "The sun will break through the clouds", "War broke out in the last century", "A great light broke out in the middle of the darkness"

The word hatch has French origin "echlor". Synonyms for hatching can also be: sprout, born, Open, verify, to arrive and to happen etc.


It is the name given when in the zoology the process of natural opening of the birds' eggs takes place, that is, when the eggshell is broken. Once the embryonic process is finished, the egg has to be hatched outside the bird's body. Hatching happens when the hatchling finally breaks through the egg and hatches.

Many people raise brine shrimp (brownfish), so there are several tutorials on how to hatch brine shrimp cysts.

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