Aztec X Spanish. Spaniards' domination of the Aztecs

The Aztec civilization, in the 12th century, constituted one of the diverse nomadic peoples, hunters and warriors who lived in the north of present-day Mexico. Due to the difficult climatic conditions in the region, the Aztecs migrated to the South in search of better living conditions. There they were subjugated by Tepaneca peoples. The subjection of the Aztecs to the Tepanecas lasted approximately a century. During this process of subjugation, the Aztecs formed a complex society and assimilated technical, scientific, military and political knowledge from the Tepanecas and other peoples.

In the 16th century, a large wave of Spaniards arrived in America, more precisely in 1504. In this wave was Hernán Cortez, the so-called conqueror of America. In the year 1519, Cortez crossed the Gulf of Mexico to conquer Aztec territory. In this undertaking, he took with him a contingent of more than 600 men, approximately 30 horses and around 10 cannons. The Spaniards believed there was an abundance of gold in Aztec cities, which was the main motivation for the trip.

When the Spaniards landed in the Aztec territories (present-day Mexico), Cortez and his troops were greeted by emissaries sent by the Aztec emperor Montezuma. According to Aztec prophecies, that year the god Quetzalcátl, the feathered serpent, was to arrive in the region. Therefore, in the first contacts between the Aztecs and the Spaniards there were no conflicts, as the Aztecs thought that the Europeans were gods. So they brought them gold as a gift.

On December 8, 1519, Cortez and his troops met for the first time with Montezuma. Already knowing that Europeans were not gods, the Aztec emperor peacefully welcomed the Spaniards. A few days later, Hernán Cortez imprisoned Montezuma. However, fearing the Europeans' firearms and the death of their emperor, the Aztecs did not react.

Cortez left the Aztec lands, but left Pedro de Alvarado in his place, who had no reason massacred about 6,000 Aztecs inside a temple, where the Aztecs celebrated a party. Upon his return, Hernán Cortez found a tense atmosphere between the Spaniards and the Aztecs, which was further aggravated by the death of Emperor Montezuma, hit by a stone on the head. After this fact, the Spaniards withdrew, leaving all the gold behind.

However, in the year 1521, Hernán Cortez and his troops returned to the Aztec lands, occupied it and razed the Aztecs. The Spaniards submitted the Aztec territories to their rule, which came to be called New Spain.

Leandro Carvalho
Master in History

Source: Brazil School -

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