It is important to know what is forbidden to do on election day and we show you here

Next Sunday, the 2nd, the first round of elections for the presidency of Brazil will take place, as well as for other positions relevant to the republic. With this, it is important to be aware of what you can and cannot do while going to your polling station.

Many people are in doubt about what is forbidden to do in the election and, for that, there are some very specific rules that need to be followed, in order to avoid further inconvenience and headaches with the Electoral Justice. Keep reading to learn more about this.

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Bans on polling day

In addition to the office for the presidency, this year people will also elect the senator, governor, federal deputy and state deputy. That is, it is a fundamental moment for the country and that everyone must be aware of to vote and also not to commit any prohibited act on this very important day.

What is considered prohibited in elections?

According to what is foreseen in the legislation, people are allowed to manifest their political and party preferences on polling day, as long as this demonstration is discreet and silent. That is, the use of stickers and adornments of candidates is allowed under the law, items such as brooch, shirt, flags and emblems are also allowed.

Now, shouting or singing names and jingles of candidates and parties or trying to get attention in any other way is not allowed, that is, it is prohibited. See below what else is forbidden to do on election day:

  • Attempting to convince other voters;
  • Noisy demonstrations that draw the attention of other voters;
  • Collective campaigns in favor of a candidate, such as marches or motorcades;
  • Distribution of graphic material, such as saints and party or candidate t-shirts.

Attention: It is forbidden to distribute T-shirts, but it is allowed to wear the T-shirt.

Prohibitions before and during polling day, risks and whistleblowers

On the day in question, it is forbidden to carry out any type of electoral campaign. Therefore, the vote request is not accepted. This can be done until 10 pm on the night of the day before the election, that is, on Saturday (1), the eve of the election. The Law also prohibits the entry of cell phones, cameras or camcorders into the polling booth during elections, in order to ensure that the vote is really secret. If the voter has any of this equipment, it is necessary to hand it over to the poll worker before entering the booth. Trying to violate the secrecy of the vote is an electoral crime and the penalty can reach up to 2 years in prison.

If there is a need to report, to facilitate complaints against offenders, the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) provides Pardal, an application for smartphones. The denouncements need to be registered and then analyzed by the Public Prosecutor's Office, which can then send these denouncements to the Electoral Court for judgment.

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