Importance of inference for textual interpretation

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Text is not reduced to words, so it is important to learn to read other languages, not just writing. Previously, people learned to read only literary texts, with no concern about how non-literary texts would be read. Currently, the aim is to form citizens, therefore, reading has gained new meaning.

Reading is an exercise. Raising hypotheses, analyzing, comparing, relating are steps that help in this task. However, there is one skill that deserves to be highlighted: the inference.

According to Houaiss, infer it is: to conclude by reasoning, from facts, evidences; deduce.

However, in practice, how can this help with interpretation? When reading a text, the information can be explicit or implicit. Inferring is being able to draw conclusions from this information.

To make it easier to understand, let's take an example. Read the strip below:

Created by cartoonist Quino, Mafalda crosses generations with her questions

After a careful reading of all the comics, what can you conclude? Did you see the depth of the question? The purpose of interpretation is not simply to describe the facts, but to add meaning to them.

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Many students stop at the surface of the text. For example, in the strip above, many would say: “Mafalda was at your house when her friend arrived. She asked him not to make any noise, because she had someone sick. The friend thought he was a relative, but he came across the world.” What is the meaning of this description? None, isn't it?

So, to find the essence of the text, it is necessary to start from the facts and look for the meaning they want to establish.

The fact presented on the strip is that the world is sick, so it needs care. It is possible? Literally no. However, if we use connotative language, it is possible infer, i.e, to interpret, deduce, that the aim of the strip was to draw people's attention to the “disease” of the world. In what respects? The most diverse: social inequality, hunger, wars, violence, pollution, prejudice, lack of love, etc. And now, does it make sense? So, just now there was understanding.

It is important to highlight that when the field of action is the school, to speak of interpretation is to speak of inference, conclusion, deduction. So, when reading a text, always look for its essence.

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

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