Ambiguity. Do you know what ambiguity is?

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Ambiguity. Do you know this word? Know that the word ambiguity is synonymous with visible confusion!

The word ambiguity comes from the Latin ambiguous, whose meaning is uncertainty or misunderstanding. Therefore, whenever a word or expression presents double meanings, we say that it is ambiguous, as it allows for more than one interpretation. In Literature, ambiguity is used with poetic value, and is therefore a permissible construction. But outside of that circumstance, ambiguity is treated as a construction error and must be avoided, after all, we want to be understood, don't we? See some examples of ambiguity:

The couple arranged the meeting near the bank.

→ Which bank? The local bank or the financial institution bank?

Carolina asked João to leave.

→ Did Carolina ask João to leave or did she ask João to leave?

Children who eat candy often get cavities.

→ Children who always eat sweets have cavities or do all children who eat sweets, even if not often, have cavities?

Note some changes that can eliminate ambiguity in the examples cited:

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The couple arranged the meeting near the bench in General Osório square.


The couple arranged the meeting near the Central Bank.

Carolina asked João's permission to leave.


Carolina asked João to leave.

Children who eat sweets often have cavities.


Children who eat candy often have cavities.

Did you notice that with simple changes the ambiguity of the sentences was eliminated? Therefore, be aware that ambiguity is a language addiction that greatly impairs the understanding of a message. Remember: for a communication to happen satisfactorily, it needs to be clear and coherent.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Ambiguity. Do you know what ambiguity is?

Ambiguity. Do you know this word? Know that the word ambiguity is synonymous with visible confusi...

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