Adverbs: function, classification, exercises

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You adverbs constitute a part of speech whose function is to modify, that is, add meaning to verbs, a adjectives and other adverbs. Their classification is directly related to the circumstances they express, which can be time, mode, place, intensity, denial, affirmation or doubt.

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Adverb classification

First, it is important to understand that adverbs modify other words and their classification serves to understand how they modify these words, what senses will be added. Thus, the examples below do not cover all the adverbs that exist, but bring the most common ones.

The grammatical class of adverbs is closely related to adjectives and verbs.
  • adverbs of place

These are the words that indicate a localization. The most common place adverbs are on here, there, there, back, close, far away, inside, outside, between others.


  • my friend lives far away.
  • You can come on here?
  • the place is back of this house.
  • adverbs of time

It's the words that express

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time/period. The most common tense adverbs are today, tomorrow, yesterday, ever, Never, before, later, early, evening, between others.


  • I arrived later.
  • We went yesterday.
  • the event will end early.
  • adverbs so

These are the words that help to understand the mode/The manner how some action occurred or how some feature occurs. The most common adverbs are good, bad, best, worse, slowly, quickly, between others. It is also possible to transform many adjectives into an adverb by adding the suffix -mind at the end of the word.


  • You finished quickly.
  • everything will be best.
  • you write perfectly.
  • Your tasks were good complete.
  • She was naturally curly.
  • Intensity adverbs

These are the words that help to understand how intense it is the action of the verb or the characteristic of the adjective. The most common intensity adverbs are much, little, too much, quite, more, any less, between others.


  • Do you want more juice?
  • do any less noise.
  • She is quite tired.
  • We were quite quiet.
  • we ran much quickly.
  • affirmation adverbs

These are the words that complement or reinforce the sense of affirmation. The most common affirmation adverbs are yea, Certainly, really,between others.


  • The jury positively criticized our work.
  • I will definitely take a vacation soon.
  • Adverbs of negation

These are the words that complement or reinforce the sense of negation. The most common denial adverbs are no, Never, never, between others.

  • No they insisted on our presence.
  • Claudius never would do such a thing.
  • adverbs of doubt

These are the words that give the idea of ​​doubt. The most common adverbs of doubt are perhaps, probably, eventually, perhaps, perchance, between others.

  • Probably, we will leave at dusk.
  • Perhaps this is not the best choice.

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adverbial phrases

At adverbial phrases follow exactly the same logic as adverbs. However, they are called adverbial phrases, because they are two or more words together to pass on the ideas we saw earlier in the adverbs, in addition to other meanings.

Adverbial phrases of place:around, around, on, over there, to the left, between others.

Adverbial phrases of time:soon, coming soon, in the morning, later, forever, never, between others.

Adverbial phrases of mode:slowly, instead, in detail, between others.

Adverbial phrases of intensity:too much, at all, much less, greater good, between others.

Adverbial statements of affirmation:certainly, in fact, no doubt, between others.

Adverbial statements of negation:no way, never, in no way,between others.

Adverbial phrases of doubt:Who knows, between others.

Differences between adverbs and adjectives

Not to confuse adverb with adjective, remember: the adverb complements the sense of verb, of adjective or another adverb, while the adjective complements the sense of substantive. For example:

You édelicate.
"Delicate" is a characteristic of the subject, therefore, is adjective.

You actgently.
"Gently" is the way the subject act, therefore, is adverb (so).

solved exercises

1 – Read the sentences below and mark the alternative that correctly classifies the highlighted adverb:

a) I never I spoke to him. (Adverbial phrase of intensity)
b) You went to there? (Adverb of time)
c) we wanted more information. (Mode adverb)
d) Don't walk away, stay this way. (Adverbial phrase of place)


Alternative d, since “never again” is an adverbial phrase of time, “there” is an adverb of place and “more” is an adverb of intensity.

2 – Which of the alternatives below presents adverb highlighted?

a) You are a very person Good.
b) We need to arrive good early.
c) they went happy in this place.
d) You were always so negative.


Alternative b, as “well” complements the meaning of “arrive”. In the other alternatives, the highlighted words are adjectives, that is, they define the subject's characteristic (“good complements “person”, “happy” complements “they” and “negative” complements “you”).
Adverbs: function, classification, exercises

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