The importance of mineral salts. mineral salts

You mineral salts are inorganic substances, that is, substances that are not produced by living beings, and that are very important for good functioning of our body, and the lack of them can bring many health problems, and even cause death.

In the table below, we will know a little about these substances that are so important for the body's functioning, their function and in which foods we can find them.

mineral salts


Where Foods Are Found


Important component of bones and teeth. It also participates in blood clotting and muscle contraction.

It can be found in vegetables (broccoli, spinach, arugula etc.), milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt etc.


Components of DNA and RNA molecules and also participate in the formation of bones and teeth.

It can be found in meat, fish, beans, peas, cereals, milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.


Very important in the balance of body fluids.

Sodium is found in table salt.


It also helps to maintain fluid balance in the body, as well as forming hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

This element is found combined with sodium in table salt.


Assists in muscle contraction and nerve activity.

Potassium can be found in fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, meat and milk.


This element acts in various chemical reactions that take place inside cells.

Magnesium is found in green leafy vegetables, cereals, fish, meat, eggs, beans, soy and bananas.


Iron participates in the composition of hemoglobin, in addition to acting in cellular respiration. Lack of this element causes anemia.

Iron can be found in liver, egg yolks, pine nuts, legumes and green vegetables.


Component of some important hormones for the body.

Seafood, iodized table salt and fish.


Fluoride is very important in the formation of bones and teeth.

This element is added to the treated water that reaches our homes.


This element helps in the production of hemoglobin and the formation of melanin (pigment that gives color to the skin).

Liver, eggs, fish and beans.

As we have seen, the mineral salts can be found in different types of foods, and for us to keep our bodies healthy and functioning correctly, it is essential that we have a balanced diet, that is, eating everything one little.

Eating a little of everything is important to maintain our body's health

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