Aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Aerobic and anaerobic beings

Every organism performs a type of breathing to keep itself alive. Some organisms perform aerobic respiration; while others perform anaerobic respiration. But what does it mean?

THE aerobic breathing, called aerobic breathing by some, is a type of breathing that only occurs when there is oxygen. All organisms that can perform this type of breathing are called aerobic or aerobic beings. This type of breathing takes place in the cells of all animals, whether they are vertebrates or invertebrates.

already the anaerobic breathing, also called anaerobic respiration, or also fermentation, occurs only in the absence of oxygen. Organisms such as fungi and bacteria, for example, carry out breathing in the absence of oxygen.

Some bacteria are found inside canned or canned foods.

The bacteria responsible for causing a disease called botulism only survives in the absence of oxygen and we usually find it in canned and preserved foods that have been poorly sterilized. This bacteria produces some toxins that can lead to human death.

Another bacteria found in places where there is no oxygen is the cause of tetanus. This bacterium reproduces in deep wounds where oxygen is low, as well as in untreated wounds.

Lactobacilli are used in the manufacture of yogurts and curds

But anaerobic bacteria don't just cause harm. Some bacteria, called lactobacilli, are used in the production of yogurt and curds; moreover, these same bacteria are found in our intestines and help make some vitamins.

In addition to bacteria, some fungi also perform anaerobic respiration. A well-known fungus called Saccharomyces cerevisae, is used in the production of alcoholic beverages and also in the production of bread, cakes, cookies, etc. This fungus performs both anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration.

the fungus Saccharomyces cerevisae is used in the manufacture of some beverages

When this fungus is found in an environment where there is no oxygen, it performs anaerobic respiration and produces carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. Therefore, in alcoholic beverages that are produced with this type of fungus, such as beer and champagne, there is the presence of gas and also alcohol.

O Saccharomyces cerevisae is used in the manufacture of bread and cakes

But this fungus also performs aerobic respiration when oxygen is available. When performing this type of breathing, it produces carbon dioxide and water, instead of alcohol. Thus, it becomes important in the manufacture of bread, cakes, donuts and cookies, where it is added in the form of yeast and is responsible for making the dough rise and become soft.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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