Ecological footprint. After all, what is the ecological footprint all about?

Have you ever heard of Ecological footprint? It consists of a methodology used to verify how much each human being uses renewable natural resources and whether planet Earth is capable of producing these resources again.

Each of us leaves marks wherever we go. We're not just talking about footprints, but attitudes that can affect the environment. When we go to the beach, for example, we could only leave our foot prints in the sand, but many people like to leave garbage in these places. Got it? Your brand is not always good for the planet.

You may not think about it on a daily basis, but how long do you take a shower? How many times do you change your cell phone a year? Was it really necessary? How many times do you buy clothes a year? Do you walk, bike, bus or car to school or work? Do you eat meat every day? Do you use air conditioning every day at home?

These are simple questions, but they reveal a lot about you and the way you are taking care of the planet. How you use the resources the Earth offers and how much you consume can determine what our children's future will be like.

remember that the planet is not always able to support the large amount of resources that are being irrationally withdrawn from it. It is also important to emphasize that we are not the only living beings that depend on the Earth. Other animals and plants, for example, need water and suitable places for their survival.

According to data from the WWF, our consumption is so exaggerated that we will need in 2050 the equivalent of almost three Earth planets. Given this alarming data, we have only one solution: review our consumption habits.

You, through simple measures, can help to preserve the environment

Never forget that your attitude can make a difference. For starters, try changing some simple habits, such as cut down on bathing time, do not leave all the lights on and separate the trash. Also, before buying anything, think: DO I REALLY NEED THIS? With this simple question, you will see how it is possible to reasonably reduce consumption, in addition to saving money.

You can also lessen your impact on nature by choosing to cycling and even walking when not going too far away. In addition to helping the environment, you can exercise.

It is also important to remember that your diet greatly influences the future of the planet. You probably never thought about it, but did you know that eating meat on a daily basis contributes to the destruction of green areas? Many areas are deforested in favor of pastures for cattle raising.

Did you see? With simple attitudes, we can make a difference! Don't forget to pass these tips on to your friends and relatives. Together we can reduce our ecological footprint!

How about knowing your ecological footprint? Click here and find out more about your lifestyle!!! Just select the country Brazil on the map, click on Portuguese and answer the questions!

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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