Impersonal verbs. What are impersonal verbs?

Do you even have a sense of what “impersonal verbs” would be? If not, don't worry, we'll learn from now on the characteristics of these verbs, which constitute another one of those many subjects that understand the facts of our language, ok?

Remember we already learned how verbs are classified? If, by any chance, you have forgotten, just access the text "classification of verbs”. Thus, impersonal verbs belong to the so-called defective verbs, and are so named because for them there is no verbal person, that is, there is no subject. As such, they are only conjugated in the third person singular. So let's meet them?

Impersonal verbs are those conjugated only in the third person singular

* Verbs that indicate a phenomenon of nature, such as:

To snow
Thundering, etc.

It was quite windy tonight.

* Verb there indicating meanings of:

- Exist:

There are boys playing ball. (there are boys playing ball)

- Elapsed time (time that has passed)

I've been studying for the assessments for two days.

* Verbs "to be" and "to do", indicating:

- Time:

It's quite late.

- Climate:

It's hot today.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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