Meaning of exchange: know the types and see how it works

Exchange it is the act of traveling to another country and residing there for a previously determined period of time, in order to study, work or acquire knowledge about the local culture.

The original concept of exchange program it is related to the exchange. Previously, the process consisted of an exchange of residences between people from different countries, for example, a student Brazilian would live for a while at the house of an Italian student and this Italian student would live for a while at the student's house Brazilian. Currently, the concept is more comprehensive and does not necessarily require an exchange, but rather the planning of an experience (study, work or leisure) abroad.

How to do an exchange

The safest way is through a exchange agency. The agencies have exchange programs of different prices and that vary according to the age group and the objectives of the interested parties. In addition, there is an entire specialized team that can help with information about everything. what it takes to exchange, for example:

  • required documents (including visas)
  • characteristics of each exchange program
  • type of housing most suitable for the intended program (homestay, student residence, apartment, etc.)
  • best destination for exchange according to the interests of the interested party

Main types of exchange

An exchange is undoubtedly a milestone in anyone's life. It is an investment of time, money and often expectations too. For this reason, it is essential to have a defined plan before making a decision. It is important, for example, that the interested party is aware of the range of exchange options available to them and, above all, what each of these options consists of. Below are some examples:

student exchange

Modality whose objective is the study. The most popular options are usually language courses (including preparation for proficiency exams) and professional specialization courses.

work exchange

It is the option chosen by those who wish to exercise a temporary paid job abroad. One of the best known options is the exchange Au Pair, which is a paid government program where the person concerned competes for the position of nanny. Usually this function is offered to women, but it is already possible to find agencies that accept the application of men. Whoever ends up being chosen has the function of taking care of all the routines and habits of the child of the respective family of destination, from taking them to school and getting them from school to hygiene, monitoring activities such as tours, etc. It is a program that lasts for a minimum of one year and includes accommodation and meals in the respective family's residence.

Student and work exchange

With this modality, the interested party can combine student life with a job or possibly an internship. It is one of the most popular ways because it allows the student to acquire a certain income to help with the daily costs.

Cultural exchange

Through this type of exchange, the traveler acquires knowledge of the local language, customs and traditions. In this modality, the interested party stays in the home of a local family.

Family Exchange

Personalized program for each member of the same family. All activities are planned according to the age of each participant. It is ideal for those in charge who want to live the exchange experience together with young people.

exchange costs

Prices vary widely depending on the duration of the program and the destination country and so it is very important to take into account mainly the cost of living in the destination place before choosing an option. It is also possible to choose between several programs with or without accommodation included, which will certainly be reflected in the final cost.

Duration of exchanges

There is no rule to define a single period of duration for an exchange. The market's offer is quite wide, which gives interested parties many options. What defines the duration is the purpose of the exchange and, therefore, it is up to the interested party to decide how much they can invest.

After gathering all the information about how an exchange works, everyone just has to decide the best option for themselves and go on an adventure!

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