Meaning of the Netherlands Flag (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

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Netherlands flagThe flag of the Netherlands (also known as the Netherlands) is one of the maximum symbols of the Dutch nation vis-à-vis other countries in the world.

This flag is formed by three horizontal bands of the same size, with the following colors: Red (on the top), White (in the middle) and cobalt blue (under). The official ratio of the Dutch flag is 2:3.

Considering the World's oldest tricolor flag still in use, this symbol of the Dutch nation was officially instituted in the country through a Royal Decree on February 19, 1937.

However, many other variants of this flag have been used since the Middle Ages.

One of the best known was the so-called “Prince's Flag” or Prinsenvlag, in honor of Prince William I of Orange, responsible for leading the struggle for independence of Holland against Spain in the mid-16th century.

This flag was also formed by three horizontal bands, the first being orange (top), the second white (in the middle), and blue (bottom).

Around the 17th century, the orange color of the flag was replaced by red. It is believed that the replacement occurred because, in the past, the orange color of the flag tended to tint and turn reddish. To avoid confusion with the colors, it was decided to make red definitively official instead of orange.

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Thus, in 1796, red, white and blue were officially announced as the new colors of the flag of the Netherlands.

The Netherlands flag was also responsible for influencing many other nations, such as Russia, for example.

The red-white-blue colors became known as “pan-Slavic colors”.

A curiosity about the Dutch flag is yours great resemblance to the French flag. In reality, the only difference between the two is that the Dutch woman is in a horizontal position, while the French is in a vertical position.

Meaning of the Netherlands Flag Colors

The colors of the Netherlands flag are a tribute to Prince William I of Orange, also known as "William the Silent".

This monarch led a Dutch revolt against Spanish rule in the territory.

The red color (which was initially orange) as well as the white and blue are based on the heraldic colors of the noble family coat of arms of Orange-Nassau.

See the meaning of the others country flags and Portugal flag.

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