Meaning of Engagement Ring (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Engagement ring is a symbolic object that represents the pact or promise between two people.

Typically, the commitment ring is used by couples as a symbol of their responsibility and commitment to their relationship.

THE wedding ring is an example of a commitment ring, as it is used not only as a simple ornament, but also as a sign that those people are committed to each other.

Learn more about the meaning of wear ring.

The same scheme works with wedding rings, which represent the couple's commitment to the marriage contract they entered into.

According to tradition, the engagement ring must be used on the ring finger (from the right hand during the engagement, and to the left hand when the marriage takes place).

Engagement rings are usually made of valuable materials such as gold, silver, steel or even diamond stones and other jewelry.

Many couples also exchange dating engagement rings, which serve the same purpose mentioned above: to materially affirm the feelings they both feel.

See also: meaning of wedding anniversary.

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